Chapter 79- Souls

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William's pov

As soon as the babies calmed down, I approached (Y/n) and asked.

"My little bunny, what happened in the office?" I knew there was something wrong with her, her face had turned pale all of a sudden.

(Y/n) looked at me with a scared expression.

"Will..." She couldn't seem to speak, I put a hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay, you can tell me what happened."

She let out a sigh and looked away.

"William, I saw that bunny..."

I bit back a laugh and bent down, giving her a kiss on her hair.

"It's okay, Spring Bonnie won't hurt you."

She looked at me with an almost irritated expression.

"William, have you forgotten what you did to me?"

I shook my head.

"No, of course I haven't forgotten" There was no way I could forget that night, I discovered a betrayal of (Y/n) with Henry, so I planned revenge. I had to admit, I'd had a lot of fun, but I'd have to put that sort of thing in the past. "Forgive me for doing that, (Y/n)... I won't wear that costume anymore, okay?"

She nodded and asked.

"William, I want you to get rid of that thing, please."

I stared at her in silence for a moment and thought "I need to find a place to leave Spring Bonnie... It needs to be a safe place where no one will find him..." Freddy's of course. The pizzeria had been closed since Henry's death, so it would be a great place to keep that fantasy.

"Alright, my little bunny, I'll get rid of Spring Bonnie, don't worry about it." I caressed her face and kissed her.

(Y/n) then changed the subject.

"But what are all those things in that office?"

"Those things are my research and some old projects.


I shook my head.

"Yes, I wanted to show you some of this research... I studied a lot about souls."

At that moment (Y/n) arched an eyebrow, intrigued.

"Can you see them like I do?" she asked.

"Yes, I can... and it started when I was little and still living in England... I remember seeing my grandfather who died before I was born, but my parents never believed me, they thought I saw a picture of that old man, but no... He was sitting on the living room couch staring at me, that man had a stern look that I had never seen before, I have to admit it was a pretty scary scene for a six year old. Since then I started to be very curious about this subject, and over the years, I started to do some research... Of course this led me to commit my crimes, I needed to prove my studies" (Y/n) looked at me, attentive and even a little scared, I'd say "I know this might sound scary to you, but it was necessary. I discovered how human feelings intensify after death, especially feelings like hate, anger and agony. And that in a way these souls maintain a connection with those who are still alive. This is Charlie's case."

The young woman widened her eyes.

"How so? Charlie? Henry's daughter?"

"She herself" I smiled at (Y/n)

" But she's alive..."

"No, she's not... The Charlie you know is not the real Charlie. Henry built it the same way he built Freddy's animatronics."

"William... That can't be true..."

"But it is. Believe me. Henry's feelings brought Charlie's soul back and now she's there, fully conscious in a body that was built, piece by piece, to fill the void that the real Charlie left."

"Why did you do that to her?" (Y/n)'s eyes were huge, and she was shaky and pale "Henry was your friend..."

I shook my head.

"Yes, yes, he was and I used that to my advantage. I watched all his suffering and followed the entire process of creating the Charlie you knew. Henry was so obsessed with getting her back that he created something wonderful. He has developed tiny chips that can transform the appearance of animatronics using just frequencies. That's why Charlie looks like a real girl."

(Y/n) covered her mouth, outraged by everything I said, I knew she was scared so I said.

"Don't look at me like that, my little bunny... Look at our babies, they are the result of what I did years ago. And our love made these souls come back, we created something amazing and you don't have to be like this, now you're a part of it, (Y/n)."

She remained silent and I continued, trying to reassure her.

"Don't worry, (Y/n) I promise I won't commit any more crimes, I don't need to do this anymore. I have you now and I want to be different." I smiled at her.

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