Chapter 63- Dinner with the Aftons

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William's pov

It was almost eight o'clock when I left the pizzeria. It was late and I knew it, but I was sure that (Y/n) wouldn't mind, she wasn't jealous, so that wouldn't be a problem. I still wanted to stop by one more place before finally returning to my house.

I drove to the mall, did some shopping for (Y/n), wanted to gift her with new clothes and surprise her. I wanted the young woman to see me as someone trustworthy again, since she was still scared to have me around.

So after buying everything I needed I went back home.

Upon entering the room, I found (Y/n) with Elizabeth on her lap and beside them was my son, Mike. The three were on the couch watching TV.

Elizabeth, noticing my presence, jumped from (Y/n)'s arms and ran towards me.

"Daddy! Daddy!" She jumped into my arms with a huge smile.

"Hi, Lizzie" I replied, hugging her and returning the smile.

Michael and (Y/n) followed the girl, getting up and walking towards me.

"Hi, Dad," Mike said with an almost bored air.

"Hi, Will" Said (Y/n) right after my son.

"Hi Mike. Hi, my little bunny" I reached out to touch (Y/n)'s face, pulled her closer and gave her a light kiss on her lips, not caring about my children's disgusted looks.

At that moment Elizabeth nudged me, making me look at the little girl.

"Dad, today (Y/n) taught me how to make a cake... She even let me eat the rest of the dough that was left in the bowl."

(Y/n) smiled and nodded in agreement.

"It's true, Will. Elizabeth is a great helper."

I smiled at them both, it was really nice to see that my (Y/n) was happy and that my daughter was finally getting along with her.

"Come on, Daddy" Elizabeth took one of my hands and pulled me into the kitchen- The cake is here.

When I arrived in the room, I found on the table a chocolate cake covered with syrup of the same flavor and colored sprinkles.

"Apparently you did a good job." I said, ruffling my daughter's hair.

She let out a laugh.

That's when (Y/n) walked into the kitchen and said.

"But we're not going to eat this cake yet. First we'll have dinner and then we can have cake for dessert, okay?"

Elizabeth nodded, her eyes serious. It was amazing how (Y/n) could get the little girl to obey her without starting a scene.

The young woman then stroked the girl's hair and said.

"Lizzie, now I'm going to prepare dinner, do you want to help me?"

Elizabeth was thoughtful for a moment, her green eyes wandered towards me as if she expected my approval, I smiled at my daughter, and she responded.

"I want!"

"In that case, I want to help too." I said, making (Y/n) look at me curiously.

"What? You didn't expect that, my bunny?" I asked with an amused air.

"Not really." She smiled.

So we started cooking, Elizabeth wanted to make a pizza, and that's what we did. At one point Michael appeared in the kitchen and also joined us.

The atmosphere was so much fun, we were laughing, singing and talking loudly. I even tried tossing the dough in the air the way I'd seen Freddy's cooks do. My trick almost failed, but luckily (Y/n) managed to catch the dough before it hit the floor. The young woman looked at me reproachfully, but she soon burst out laughing.

"Will, don't play with the food." (Y/n) put the pizza in the pan and poked my nose making Elizabeth giggle.

"Daddy, you have flour in your nose."

I ran my hand over my face, brushing the ingredient off my skin, then stared at my girlfriend and exclaimed, suppressing a laugh.


She burst out laughing, along with my kids.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After dinner, the kids went to their rooms and I was alone with (Y/n) in the living room. I sat next to the young woman on the couch and spoke.

"(Y/n), I prepared a surprise for you."

She looked at me with an arched brow and I completed it with a smile.

"Just like old times." At that moment I buried my right hand in my pants pocket and took out a small box covered in purple velvet. I left my place next to the girl to stand in front of her, there I knelt and opened the box. and revealing a ring.

I let out a sigh, looking for the right words to say to him and so I let it out.

"(Y/n), I know I made some mistakes... but I want you to forgive me. Let's start over from now on, soon we will have children, who will fill our life and this house with joy, I promise I won't hurt you anymore, but please accept me back in your life, I want to get back in a relationship with you.

(Y/n) widened her eyes and remained silent, she opened her mouth, looked like she was about to say something, but nothing came out.

"What do you say?" I asked, waiting for an answer, and I wouldn't accept a "no".

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