Chapter 76- Warning

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(Y/n)'s pov

 After visiting hours were over, William and the children left.  The nurses said I needed to get some rest, I agreed, I still felt exhausted from the birth, so they changed my covers and left me alone.

 I relaxed my body as best I could, I still felt some pain and the hospital bed didn't help much, but even so, I soon fell asleep.  For the first time in a long time I slept peacefully, with no spirits in my dreams, no nightmares about William, nothing.

 I woke up a few hours later, the room was immersed in comfortable darkness, I rolled over in bed, lying on my back, my mind wandered to William.  He was very different, he looked like a different person, and I felt that I could trust that man again.

 At that moment I heard a voice.


 I sat up in bed scared.  Who would be there?  My eyes darted around the room until they fixed on a figure that was slowly taking shape, I knew it was one of the ghosts that were accompanying me.

 "(Y/n)" The voice called me again and so I noticed who was in the room.

 "Clara?" The image of William's ex-wife appeared in full

 The woman slowly approached my bed with a sweet smile.

 "(Y/n)" She touched my hand gently, just like Henry, her touch was cold.  The ghost kept her emerald eyes on me and remained silent for some time.  I stared back at her not understanding what she wanted exactly.

 Clara sighed and then finally spoke.

 "Now you have a family, (Y/n)." Her voice sounded sad.  Of course, she was sad...

 "Now you are a mother, and my children love you… I want you to promise me that you will take good care of them, okay?"

 "Yes I promise." I replied without taking my eyes off the ghost woman, at that moment I wanted Clara to trust me, but it seemed that there was something more behind it all, it was as if she was hiding something she already knew, almost as if she was warning me of something bad was to come.

 Clara looked away for a moment and I asked.

 "Clara, are you okay?  I mean… well, you're dead, but you look restless… is there something wrong?"

 She nodded.

 "Yes, I'm really restless… but don't worry, you have your children now, take care of them, take care of William too… he'll need it" Saying that, the woman disappeared, making the room go back to darkness and leaving me with many questions in my mind.

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