Chapter 35-Robots, souls and love

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William's pov

I arrived at my house around five o'clock in the afternoon, threw myself on the couch, exhausted. I'd spent most of the day talking to the officers investigating the case of Connor's death.

The investigators analyzed the pizzeria's ventilation ducts, and also asked a few questions about the robots. I answered everything superficially, I knew what my robots were capable of, and I knew exactly what had happened. I smiled to myself when imagining the scene of the man's death, I really hadn't planned any of that, but my robots were ready to kill and that already made me proud of my work and my creation.

I remembered Henry, my old friend always had a twinkle in his eye when he talked about his robots. Especially when it came to Charlie, the little robot girl had been his biggest and best creation and I wanted to do something better! If Charlie looked like a human girl, I would make my robots have souls. That was the answer. And I've known this for a long time, since we opened the first pizzeria, I started to study about souls and how they were able to possess certain objects and even manifest in other ways.

My studies led me to get some of them, like Henry's daughter Charlotte, she was the first, she was a three years old little girl, I killed her in front of the pizzeria. I could see that night as vividly in my mind as in a movie. Henry was so sad about the death of his daughter that he started to build a new Charlie, little did he know that it had helped me to understand that human feelings can bring a soul back, this happened with the new Charlie, she sure had Henry's daughter's soul, I could feel it.

Then I remembered the night I kidnapped those other five kids and then some employees who worked during the night started saying that the robots were moving and had even become aggressive. I realized that the spirits of those children were in the robots and they were angry for being there. Sometimes when no one was around I would approach the robots and talk to them, as if I were talking to children. They didn't see me as a murderer, but as a friend, I knew that because I had dreams where the five little ones wanted to play with me.

I got up from the couch, and walked to my office, ready to do more research and maybe design some new robot that would be used to get more souls.

I sat in my chair and opened one of the desk drawers where I took out a notebook, that was just one of many that I had already filled with my research, I wrote down everything I discovered. I took a pen and leafed through the notebook, until something came loose in the middle of the sheets, and fell to the floor, it was a photo taken by me with my polaroid camera, in the photo was (Y/n), she was smiling at me.

I took the photograph and looked at it for a few moments and let my mind wander to the night I spent with her, I was sure that it had affected the young woman. Then I remembered her words: "William finish eating and go away. This will be the last time I tell you not to look for me anymore."

I kept the photo among the pages of the notebook, and decided that I would leave (Y/n) for a while, but I wouldn't give up on her. I loved her and she would have to love me!

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