Chapter 47- Captivity

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William's pov
 As soon as Michael walked into the house, a strange thought struck me: What if he found out about (Y/n)?  I needed to get her out of my room!  My thoughts quickly wandered to my workshop.  I'd bought enough chains, rope and tape to keep her still in my workspace, that's what I was going to do, but how?  The boy would have to be distracted somehow…
 Before I could say anything to my son, Elizabeth came running into the room and upon noticing her brother's presence she screamed.
 "Mike!" The little girl ran to him and threw herself into the teenager's arms.
 "Lizzie!" Michael took her in his arms "you grew up, didn't you your brat" he laughed and ruffled his sister's hair.
 "Hey!" she grumbled trying to fix her hair "I'm not a brat!"
 I smiled at them both and suggested.
 "Mike, why don't you go play with Lizzie?"
 Elizabeth got rid of her brother's arms and said already pulling the boy to her room.
 "Yes!  Mike, you need to see the toys Daddy bought for me."
 Michael followed without hesitation.  That would be my chance!  I walked back to my room, took (Y/n) into my arms carefully and took her to my workshop.
 The place was at the back of the house, it was like a small shed where I kept my unfinished projects.  I put (Y/n) in an old armchair, with the tape I tied her feet and hands.  Deep down I felt a little bad about doing this to her, but I wouldn't lose her again!
 I ran my hand through her hair and whispered.
 "Don't be afraid, my little bunny, I'll take care of you."

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