Chapter 58- Honest conversation

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~William's pov

We showered together and of course, I tried to make it more relaxing and maybe even romantic for (Y/n).

I spread the foam over the young woman's body as she spoke.

"It's going to be alright, my little bunny. Babies will be loved very much and I am sure you will be a good mother and we will be a happy family." I made a brief pause, without stopping her shoulders, then continued. "You know, (Y/n)? I believe in fate and I think you came back to bring happiness into my life again."

She remained silent, but she was attentive to my words.

"We were made for each other." I completed

(Y/n) looked down for a while, staring at the foam, but still not saying anything. The girl then nodded.

"Maybe you're right... Maybe there's no other choice..." her tone of voice was sad. "I'm going to live in this hell forever, right? That's what you want... Why, William?"

The girl's words sounded like a mixture of anger and sadness. For a moment I didn't know what to say to him, so I just said it.

"My little bunny... Don't say that... I'll do my best to make you happy, believe me..." (Y/n) kept her gaze downcast and I sighed "It's ok... It's ok... I'm sorry... I know , I'm fully aware of what I've done so far... I hurt you, and I owe you an apology" At that moment I left the bath and wrapped a towel around my waist. "I just want you to forgive me...I want to start all over again, but give me that chance..."

(Y/n) soon followed me out of the water.


I stared at her for a brief moment and handed her another towel.

"Let's get dressed... We can talk better if you want."

I dried my body and got dressed, (Y/n) dried herself and I told her.

"I still have some of your clothes here." She looked at me without understanding and I explained "You left them when you ran away that night, and I kept them. they are in the same place as always" I indicated the closet and without any difficulty finding her clothes, (Y/n) chose what she would wear that day.

Afterwards, the two of us headed to the kitchen, where I promptly started making breakfast. (Y/n) sat on a chair and asked.

"Are you being honest, Will?"

I looked at her, arching an eyebrow.

"Why would I lie to you, my little bunny? I omitted some things, and this is quite different. Or did you want me to tell you what I did to those kids?"

(Y/n) shook her head.

"No, William...But I never imagined you'd do that... Will, you've always been so good to me, a little strict with your kids sometimes, but I wouldn't say you're a bad father..."

I nodded at her, already a little curious as to what she was going to say next, so I took my seat, sitting across from the young woman.

"What I mean is that I miss who you were when I met you..."

"But I'm still the same William as always, the difference is that now you know about my past. But that doesn't stop us from being happy together, (Y/n)."

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