Chapter 41- Where is she?

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Normal pov

Michael entered the apartment and exclaimed.

"(Y/n)!" The boy knew she had the day off, but there was no answer.

Mike walked through the rooms looking for the young woman, but she was nowhere to be found.

She must have left. He thought. Michael then went to his room, figuring that soon (Y/n) would arrive. The boy threw himself on his bed, turned on a small TV, which (Y/n) had bought just for him, and decided to play video games to pass the time.

Hours passed, night was falling, and (Y/n) still hadn't come back, Mike figured she could have gone out with Rebecca, her coworker and friend, in which case (Y/n) would come back much later.

Mike then decided to prepare something to eat. The boy made a huge bowl of macaroni and cheese and took it to his room.

The teenager ate while watching TV and after a few more hours he fell asleep.


The next morning, when Mike woke up, he realized that (Y/n) still hadn't come back. The boy was then seized by a wave of concern. Where could she be? (Y/n) had never disappeared like that. Had something happened? No... thought Mike, already on the verge of tears. He couldn't lose her, (Y/n) was still the only one who cared about him. The young woman took care of him in a loving way that her parents never did, not even Clara treated him that way.

Sometimes the two of them would stay up late at night talking, making jokes and talking nonsense, watching movies and then trying to imitate what they thought was funny, and of course Mike could count on her to vent about school, friends and even girls he liked, (Y/n) was always understanding and gave him advice.

At that moment the boy didn't know what to do, even though he had forgiven his father, Mike didn't want to go back to William's house. The teenager still hadn't regained trust in his father. Another option was to look for Jen, Henry's sister. She had custody of Charlie, but Mike didn't even know where the two had gone. He only knew that they had moved to another city.

Mike sat on the floor, and finding himself alone again, he cried without caring about anything else, no one would hear him.

Michael had only one thing to do, to find his father.

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