Chapter 32- Another visit

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(Y/n)'s pov

I was still sitting on the floor of my room when I heard the sound of my apartment door closing.

"He left..."I muttered to myself, already getting up, I left the room towards the bathroom.

I turned on the shower and stayed under the hot water for a long time. I wanted to forget about that night, I wanted to get away from that city, but I had responsibilities, I needed to stay close to my parents, I had a job, and I was taking care of Mike. I liked the boy and wanted him to become a mentally healthy adult, which he wouldn't have if he lived with William, but I couldn't stop the boy from seeing his father.

I sighed still letting the water run down my body.

I was living in a paradox, but I wanted to put an end to that situation.

I turned off the shower and wrapped myself in a towel, went back to my room, it was almost time to go to work, so I dried myself and separated my clothes.

Just as I was about to put on my uniform I felt someone was watching me, I turned my gaze to the other side of the room and found Henry. The spirit stared at me motionless, its eyes were wide and its face was slightly flushed.

"Henry!" I felt my face redden and tried to cover my body with something.

The ghost looked away.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n)... I didn't mean to scare you... or catch you off guard like that..."

I put on my robe quickly.

"You can look now... " I said softly and Henry looked at me, there was a kind of silly look in his eyes and his face was still a little red. I didn't even know this was possible...

Henry then spoke after a brief moment of silence.

"(Y/n)...why did you go after William?"

I looked down at my bare feet, a little awkwardly.

"Well... it's complicated, Henry."

"No, (Y/n)" he shook his head. "it's not complicated... but now you're in danger..."

There was a mysterious look in the ghost's eyes.

"What do you mean, Henry? Do you know something I don't?"

"Not exactly... I'm dead, I can be in places without anyone seeing me.'

"What are you talking about?"

He sighed, his eyes darted from one side of the room to the other, and the ghost said almost shyly.

"I know what you guys did last night..."

I shuddered.


"What? It's not my fault... I'm here to take care of you, but it's hard to do that if you run into danger."

I stared at him a little irritated by his tone, but he was right.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n)..."

"It's okay, Hen..." I let out a heavy sigh "You're right... I'm still a little attracted to William."

I sat on my bed, and I felt when the ghost took its place next to me, the furniture made a noise and soon I could see that Henry was actually sitting next to me.

"I know... but if you decide to stay with him, I'll have to leave..."

"How so?" I widened my eyes.

"Yeah... With him by your side I won't be able to do anything else to protect you." He paused "Only you can make that choice, (Y/n)."

Henry then disappeared, leaving me alone and brooding. His words lingered in my mind and I felt even more confused and also guilty about spending the night with William.

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