Chapter 91- Honeymoon -part 2

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Contains: Adult content

William's pov

When parking the car in the spot, I said to (Y/n)

"Wait here with the kids while I check in" She nodded and I walked away, walking towards the entrance.

I had a big surprise for my wife. That hotel was the best in the area, but I didn't want her to know that until we got to the room.

I was quickly attended to by a receptionist, who, upon seeing my name on the reservation list, was already handing me the keys and talking about how wonderful the room I had chosen was.

The woman even offered me the service of a guy who was passing by, saying he would take my bags to the room, I accepted and thanked him. Promptly the young man approached me and I guided him to my car.

"Don't worry, we brought few suitcases, but we have our twin babies, and sometimes it's hard to carry everything at once" I smiled at him and the boy nodded and commented politely.

"Of course, sir."

So I opened the trunk for him and the guy did his job, picking up the luggage and taking it to our room.

(Y/n) looked at me and whispered, already realizing something.

"Will, isn't this hotel one of those expensive ones?"

I smiled at her and said.

"Just enjoy, my bunny, this week is just ours." I took Violet's safety seat and (Y/n) took Vincent's and so we went to the bedroom.

Seeing the room where we would stay, (Y/n) looked at me with an expression of disbelief, she stood in the doorway staring at me without saying anything and with her mouth slightly open.

"This will be our room during those days."

"William..." She said in a low voice 'No... You didn't do that..." Finally she opened a huge smile when she realized that all that was real and that we would really stay in that room "William, this place is amazing!"

The room was on the top floor of the hotel, it was huge and very well decorated. The window allowed a wide view of the city, there was a private pool and a hot tub in the bathroom attached to the room, the bed was carefully made and on the covers there were rose petals forming our initials. Near the pool was an ice bucket with a few bottles of champagne. I had even requested that they put two cribs for our children.

(Y/n) took a few steps forward, looking around, impressed by the size of the room.

"I booked this room thinking of you, my little bunny." I smiled at her. The young woman then hugged me tightly and said.

"Thank you, Will, you've been wonderful to me these months."

I hugged her back.

"(Y/n), I already told you that I love you and I'm capable of anything for you." I paused, as she looked at the horizon, the night view was really amazing, almost mesmerizing, but (Y/n) snapped me out of my reverie.

"Will, what else have you planned?"

I looked at her and spoke in a teasing tone.

"Well... Now we're married, so we can celebrate, if you know what I mean..."

She smiled mischievously and nodded.

"Of course, my big bunny... Just give me a minute..."

I arched an eyebrow not understanding, so (Y/n) picked Violet up in the car seat and placed her carefully in one of the cribs, I followed her with Vincent in my arms, already understanding.

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