Chapter 31- She will be mine!

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~William's pov

(Y/n) left the kitchen without eating anything, the young woman closed herself in her room leaving me there.

I sipped my coffee, quietly as I thought. I needed a way to get her back. (Y/n) would be mine at any cost!

Of course, I knew she was confused, deep down (Y/n) she was still afraid of me because of what had happened a year ago, but I had no more reason to hurt her. Bryan was dead. Henry was dead. And Connor was dead. I had my way free to get her back. And I wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone who came between us.

I still had an ace up my sleeve; Mike and Elizabeth were by my side and I would use them for rapprochement. (Y/n) adored Mike, she treated him like a son or a little brother and she would do anything to make him happy, even be with me again.

My plan was perfect! Using Mike for my interests would be a masterstroke. Soon (Y/n) would be by my side.

I finished my breakfast, cleaned up the kitchen and left the girl's apartment as she had asked.

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