Chapter 49- W.A.

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~William's pov
 Some time passed, (Y/n) was still in my arms, with her head against my chest, her crying had stopped, but the young woman still sobbed nervously from time to time.  I caressed her patiently.
 I could stay in my workshop with (Y/n) for as long as I wanted, it was late at night, Elizabeth and Michael were already asleep.
 I sang a few songs for the young woman, while thinking about my next actions.  The girl would be entirely mine and that night she would be for me like a toy in a child's hand, but I needed to be patient and take it slow so as not to ruin everything.
 At one point I asked.
 "Do you feel better, my little bunny?"
 She didn't answer me, so I ruffled her (hair color) hair  and repeated the question, speaking a little louder.
 "Do you feel better?"
 (Y/n) shook her head, still keeping silent.
 "Why?" I asked, arching an eyebrow.
 The young woman moved in my arms so that she could look into my eyes.
 "Because I'm stuck here… You did this… You want to kill me… " Her pretty eyes were teary.  She sobbed.  "Why did you do this to me, William?"
 I couldn't help but laugh.
 "I'm not going to kill you, my sweet little bunny, I did it because I love you, (Y/n)." I paused "But you've been behaving really badly in the last few days.  You lied to me when you said you didn't remember almost anything." I spoke softly without taking my eyes off her face, the young woman's eyes widened, she seemed surprised by my words.
 My index finger slowly ran over her cheek, and so I pulled her in for a kiss.  The young woman hesitated for a moment, but then responded to my gesture.
 "I want you to be mine." I pronounced between the kiss and I could feel when the girl shivered and I completed "No matter what you do, you will be mine!"
 I put my hands under her shirt, feeling the lace fabric of her bra, it made her shiver once more.
 "William…" She murmured tearfully.  (Y/n) I was terrified of looking at her and that already turned me on.
 At that moment I felt a pang of anxiety to see the girl's naked body, I was dying to delight in every inch of her.
 “Yes?” I asked with a smile, letting my hands wander towards her pants.  I lowered the pieces that were only held together by the tape that was still around her ankles.
 "What are you doing?" She whimpered.
 "shh…" I kissed her one more time. " Just relax, my little bunny."
 She nodded with a nervous shake of her head, her eyes still glaring at me and carrying fear.  She already knew what was coming, but she didn't try to fight it.
 I began to undo the tape hat bound her wrists and led her to an unoccupied table.  I pushed her onto the table, the girl let out a groan of pain from the impact.
 Then I got on top of her, using my weight to keep her still.  I grabbed her wrists and placed them over the girl's head.
 I smiled.
 "Now answer me, to whom do you belong?"
 She turned her face to the side so as not to stare at me and didn't respond.  I insisted.
 "Who do you belong to?"
 (Y/n) took a moment to respond.
 "To you… I belong to you… " New tears appeared on her perfect face.
 I kissed her and licked the liquid that ran free down her cheeks.
 "Very well, my little bunny. "  I whispered in her ear.
 I pulled away from the girl's face, keeping my hands around her wrists, and spoke.
 "I'll let you go, but promise you won't try to run away."
 (Y/n) shook her head and I left her on the table.  The young woman remained motionless, as if I was still on her.
 "Listen, (Y/n), all I want most is to love you. "  I walked from one side of the room to the other without taking my eyes off the woman who remained stretched out on my table and stared back at me.
 I fumbled in one of my pants pockets where I took out a small switchblade and went towards the girl again, noticing the blade in my hand, her eyes widened and she let out a scream.
 "No, William!  Please… don't do this… I'll do whatever you want, but don't kill me, please!"
 "Shh… Everything is okay." I stroked her face once more and took her arm where I used the switchblade to mark my initials "W.A.".  (Y/n)'s hot blood soon began to flow through the cuts, I couldn't help but smile when I saw the red liquid running like that, it's been a long time since I had fun like that.

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