Chapter 29- A night at the apartment

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~William's pov

I walked back to (Y/n)'s room, the street light lit the room a little, I could see a young man who was sleeping, but his sleep seemed a little restless, his face contorted from time to time, I sat on the bed next to him side and stroked her hair. (Y/n) muttered under her breath at the sudden touch.

"It's me, my little bunny, don't be scared, I'm here" I analyzed the room for a moment and had an idea, I took off my clothes, leaving only my underwear and socks on, so I could lie next to (Y/n). Before covering myself I looked at my body covered with those hundreds of scars, my mind returned to the day of the accident; it all happened during Freddy's Halloween party in 1986, I remember the pizzeria was full, everyone was dressed up, the party had been Mike's idea and that day I wore the Spring Bonnie costume, the outfit was old, and a glitch with the springlocks it almost killed me, I was in the hospital for months and the marks of the incident were still on my body, like a bizarre reminder of the dangers of that outfit.

I sighed, imagining the young woman's reaction if she woke up and found me, almost naked in her bed, I would have to calm her down, but I would take the risk.

I pulled one side of the blanket over me. I put one of my arms over (Y/n), bringing her closer to me, again the young woman grumbled a little.

"Shh... " I whispered "Everything is okay, (Y/n)."

I kissed her cheek and closed my eyes and before long I was asleep, smelling (Y/n)'s hair.

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