Chapter 70- Babies-part 3

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William's pov
 I sat in one of the armchairs in the waiting room, waiting for a doctor to give me any news.  (Y/n) don't get out of my mind, her expression of pain inside my car had moved me in a strange way, at the same time I worried about her, I had felt an unparalleled pleasure to see her like that , but I knew it was wrong... After all, I was trying to change, (Y/n) gave me the strength to try to be different, but I couldn't deny that I liked to kill, I would always have that desire to kill, it was my nature, I liked to see the blood of my victims oozing out of them, just like I had almost done with (Y/n)... No!  I couldn't think about it…I couldn't lose her, not again.
 I ran my hand through my hair, trying to push those thoughts away, I was sure that if someone looked at me at that moment they would think I was just another worried husband and father.
 I stayed there for a long time, I believe about an hour or more, I knew that birth was taking much longer than usual.  Of course, they were twins, but it was still taking a while.  Several things went through my mind.  “What if (Y/n) dies?  What am I going to do without her?”
 When I asked myself that, I felt a strange sensation, I didn't want to lose her in any way, I didn't want to be alone again.  Was that fear?  I was afraid…
 At that moment a man walked towards me and sat next to me, he looked to be in his thirties, he looked at me for a moment and asked.
 "Are you a first-time parent?"
 I shook my head and smiled gently at him.
 "No, I already had three other children, but today I will become the father of two more."
 The boy widened his eyes.
 "Two?  Wow… And how is it?"
 I noticed that he was anxious, for sure this was his first child.
 "It's a very good feeling, believe me.  Sure, you'll have a lot of work at first, but it's worth every second.  You will see."
 The man nodded nervously as he looked down.
 "I hope so…"
 Our conversation was interrupted by the doctor responsible for the delivery of (Y/n).
 "Mr.  Afton?"
 I jumped up.
 "Yes, it's me." Before she could say anything, I asked her "How are  (Y/n)?"
 The doctor took a deep breath and explained.
 "The birth was complicated, the babies were born well and are in the incubator, they still need to gain weight.  But because of some complications, (Y/n) lost a lot of blood, she was taken to the ICU, and now we just have to wait for her recovery, but we can't create expectations…"
 I felt my heart beat fast in my chest.  No!  My (Y/n) couldn't die like this.  If something happened to her, I would get rid of the babies without hesitation.
 "Can I see her?" I asked the doctor.
 She pondered for a moment and said.
 "All right.  Come with me."
 I followed her through the halls, sometimes I could hear the countless babies crying inside the rooms, this made me feel a growing anger for my newborn children.
 The doctor took me to the room where (Y/n) was.  The young woman appeared to be sleeping, but there were several machines connected to her body.  I walked over to her, keeping my gaze fixed on her face, she was so beautiful, so delicate…
 "I'll leave you alone with her," the doctor said, making me turn to the doctor.
 I nodded at her.
 "Okay, thanks" So the woman left the room, closing the door behind her.
 I took (Y/n)'s hand and kissed it softly.
 "(Y/n)...My little bunny, please don't do this to me...Don't leave me…" I felt something strange in my eyes, I rubbed them trying to get rid of that feeling, but it only got worse and then I noticed that I was crying.  That hasn't happened to me in a long time… The last time I cried, I was still a little boy who was beaten by the older boys at school.
 I squeezed my eyes together trying to stop the tears, but they just flowed "(Y/n)...please...I won't make it alone…" my voice was also struggling to get out.
 At that moment, the young woman's hand squeezed mine for a few moments and slowly softened the grip, she was still unconscious, but she seemed to be listening to me.
 "(Y/n)!?  Are you listening to me?  If you can hear me, hold my hand again." She did so, slowly her hand intertwined with mine.  I cracked a smile, but tears were still streaming down my face.
 "Come back to me, my little bunny…"
 Her hand started to move again almost as if she was trying to caress my skin, it was clumsy and slow movements, but at that moment something in me said that everything would be fine and that I'd have mine (Y/n) back.

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