Chapter 102- Ghosts

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William's pov

Four years had passed since Elizabeth's death. Mike had left our house about three years ago and was preparing to graduate from robotics engineering college, my son was following in my footsteps and that made me very proud. The boy also thought about marrying his high school girlfriend.

Violet and Vincent grew up well and very curious, the twins were completely inseparable and made a lot of mess.

(Y/n) and I were working hard at the pizzeria, since the movement had slowed down a lot and we were having trouble paying the bills that came up in droves.

That night I had stayed late at the restaurant and wanted to solve a paperwork problem. It was the night watchman's day off, so I was alone.

That's when I heard a strange noise in the hallway, it was like a child was running around the pizzeria. I left my office desk, heading towards the source of the noise.

Looking down the dark hallway, I saw my daughter, my Elizabeth was there. My heart raced with joy, I still missed her so much and seeing her at that moment made me feel good, even though I knew I was seeing a ghost.

The little girl looked at me and smiled, running towards me.

"Daddy! Daddy!" She threw herself towards me, hugging me, her touch was cold.

I took her in my arms, still not believing that my little Elizabeth was with me again.

"Lizzie... I missed you so much... You're so cold..."

She wrapped her arms around my neck

"I missed you too, daddy... I thought you had forgotten about me..."

I shook my head.

"Of course not, Lizzie. I didn't stop thinking about you for a single day, you will always be my little princess."

She broke into a huge smile and hugged me tightly, and whispered in my ear.

"Daddy... The others are behind you..."

"What are you talking about? " I questioned her, not understanding anything.

"Look," she murmured, keeping her head on my shoulder.

I turned around, and so I saw the ghosts, the same ones that had appeared during my wedding. Her eyes were completely black and a liquid too dark to be blood was coming out of her eyes and mouths, everyone was walking slowly towards me.

I hugged Elizabeth tightly, holding her head as if to protect her and ran in the opposite direction, that's when I felt something wet on my shoulder. I let go of my daughter's head looking at her little face that was also starting to release that strange liquid, I released her, losing my balance and falling to the floor. I crawled away from Elizabeth who remained kneeling on the floor, reaching out a hand to me as she turned her head to the side in a frightening way. Liquid dripped onto the floor, creating a dark stain next to her hands.

"Come on daddy, come join me, I'm waiting for you"

"Go away... Go away...Leave me alone" I muttered. This couldn't be real. That wasn't my Elizabeth.

I struggled to my feet and ran out of the pizzeria. I got into my car. Trembling, I couldn't get the keys out of my pocket, but I kept trying, until the key fob came out of my pocket. I still had difficulty putting it in the ignition of the car, I looked at the main door all the time, afraid that something would come out of it, until I managed to start the car and left, in a hurry. The car held up a bit, the tires screeching, before finally picking up speed.

On the way home, I thought, "What do these ghosts want anyway?"

"They're trying to kill me..." I muttered to myself "Of course they are. They want revenge...But I will be faster. I'll finish them all at once!"

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