Chapter 65- Pregnancy

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(Y/n)'s pov

Three months later, Mike and I had moved back permanently to William's house, so my apartment was vacant once again. I had lost my job at the cafeteria because of unexcused absences, but William said I didn't have to worry about that.

My parents already knew about my relationship with the man and even about my pregnancy. The couple were happy to become grandparents and were already looking forward to our wedding, they loved William. Of course, my parents couldn't imagine the truth behind the man's friendly smile.

My belly was already starting to show, William and I had visited a doctor who had confirmed that I was indeed expecting twins; a boy and a girl. William was radiant, and he was treating me very well in those months, it felt like I was made of glass.

Every morning, before going to work, William would leave my breakfast ready on the kitchen table and almost every day he would leave a little note with affectionate or even funny messages.

Mike and Elizabeth were excited about the news of having two new siblings. The two of them even fought to touch my belly, I found it all amusing.

That afternoon I was with William, in our room, we were both in bed, the man gently caressing my belly as he spoke.

"Daddy is here, soon we'll meet in person, I want to see the faces of you two" William spoke in a childish way that made me laugh.

"Will, you're so silly when you're talking to them."

He looked at me and smiled

"(Y/n), they're babies" he paused and went back to talking in that childish tone, tickling my skin "Isn't that right, my little bunnies..."

I started laughing out loud.

"Stop it, Will." I struggled as he continued to tickle.

After a few moments, he stopped, letting me recover. William then pulled me into a hug, causing me to lie down on his bare chest, he then asked.

"My dear, do you have a name in mind?"

I ran my finger down his chest, contouring one of his scars.

"Not yet... I mean... I like the name Lizzie chose. Violet is so cute."

William nodded.

"Then our little girl will be called Violet. Our little Violet..."The man was silent for a few seconds and then resumed. "Then our little boy will be Vincent."

I lifted my head.


He shook his head.

"Yes, Violet and Vincent. Our twins."

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