Chapter 61- A new William

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(Y/n)'s pov

Later that day, William decided he would take me for a ride, "an afternoon for two" as he called it.

The man asked Mike to look after Elizabeth while we were gone. So we packed up and left. William took me downtown, where we had lunch in a restaurant, where we spent some time talking about various subjects. William seemed attentive to everything I said and was very understanding of everything, exactly as he acted at the time we met.

So we left the restaurant and William said,

"Now let's enjoy the rest of the afternoon together."

"What do you have in mind, Will?" I questioned with no idea what he had planned.

"You'll see, my little bunny."

We got into William's car and he then drove further out of town. I had to admit, it was a little scary to walk away from all the crowds like that, after all I was still in the company of a killer. I shuddered at the thought that the man could kill me at any moment and leave my body abandoned somewhere along the road, not even feeling remorse for killing the woman who carried his children.

William seemed to notice my tension.

"Are you okay, my little bunny? Are you feeling sick?"

I shook my head and lied.

"I'm fine, Will... I was just a little worried and thoughtful..."

He nodded without taking his eyes off the road.

"Oh yes, I understand, but don't worry, (Y/n). I'm here for you" He took his right hand off the steering wheel and touched my leg for a brief moment, but then got back in the direction of the car, William concluded.

"Are you sure you're okay? You are shaking."

Damn it! He had noticed. I could no longer hide my fear, so I launched.

"I am afraid."

"Afraid? Of what?"

I let out a long breath and turned my gaze to the window, seeing the barren Hurricane landscape, not wanting to look at the man beside me, and so I replied.

"I'm scared of you, William."

"Of me? Why?"

At that moment I couldn't help but look at him, even against my will. There was no way William could be so cynical.

"William, you are a murderer, or have you forgotten that? The kids, Bryan, Cla..."

The man interrupted me with a loud laugh.

"No, (Y/n), I haven't forgotten what I did to them, but I already told you that you don't have to be afraid. I'm not going to kill you" He paused and cracked a smile "I can't do this. Want to know why?"

I kept my gaze fixed on William this time. I remained silent, waiting for him to explain.

"It's simple. If I killed you, it would be impossible to have you with me, but I don't intend to use any kind of violence on you either, my little bunny. Now I will be a new William."

The man continued driving to a park, where we spent the rest of that afternoon. At one point we sat on the ground, under a tree and William spoke looking at my belly.

"I can't wait to see your belly grow, (Y/n). I'm very anxious." He caressed my face and gave me a light kiss beside my lips. "I'll be here for whatever you need. These babies in there are the result of our love, my little bunny."

I just stared at him, not knowing what to say. William really was acting differently. What made me a little confused, I didn't know if I could trust him completely, after all, no one changes so much in such a short time.

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