Chapter 59- Siblings

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Normal POV

That Sunday morning, Michael woke early to the sound of two voices coming from the kitchen. One was definitely his father's voice, the other was a female voice that sounded low and even a little melancholy. The boy didn't recognize it right away, but tried to concentrate on the voice to try to recognize it. Then he realized that It was (Y/n).

The boy felt an enormous joy in knowing that she had returned. Michael adored her and didn't want anything bad to happen to (Y/n). The teenager jumped out of bed at once and ran to the kitchen.

Seeing (Y/n) sitting in one of the chairs, Mike cracked a smile and said.

"(Y/n)!" The young woman turned her gaze to him and without thinking twice, she got up, going to meet him.

The two hugged each other for long minutes and Mike spoke in the young woman's ear.

"(Y/n), I missed you so much... I was so worried, I thought I lost you."

Without releasing the boy, (Y/n) replied.

"Mike, I'm here...It's okay now..."

William, who was watching the whole scene, forced a cough causing the two to turn their gazes to the man.

"I'm here, you know?" William said in a provocative tone.

Michael backed away from (Y/n) a little.

"Hi father..."Said the boy, awkwardly.

The eldest waved his hand, keeping a serious expression and said.

"Sit here, Mike. (Y/n) and I have something to tell you."

Michael obeyed his father, the boy's eyes wandered between William and (Y/n) and carried a curiosity mixed with anxiety. (Y/n) sat down next to Mike and let out a sigh that indicated that it was something serious, which sharpened the teenager's curiosity even more.

"Well... Mike, we're going to need you right now, maybe Elizabeth might feel a little jealous because of what's going on."

"What are you talking about?" Mike asked, a little scared.

William leaned across the table, cupping his face in his hands.

"What (Y/n) means is that you will get two little siblings".

Michael glanced back and forth between the two adults in the room, almost as if he didn't believe his father's words.

(Y/n) nodded.

"That's exactly it, Mike... I'm pregnant."

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