Chapter 96- William...

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(Y/n)' pov

Days had passed since Elizabeth's death, grief had descended on us in a frightening way, the house was emptier and quieter. Mike spent all day locked in his room, I was with the babies and even the twins seemed to understand what had happened, both were quiet and no longer cried like before, they just grumbled.

William was the one that worried me the most, since the day of the tragedy, he had locked himself in his office, didn't eat, didn't shower and didn't even talk to me. I could only hear him walking in the room or rummaging through his things.

But that situation made me distressed, I was really worried, after all William was my husband and father of my children.

I walked to his office door, and knocked a few times, William didn't answer, so I called him.

"William... William... Please open that door... William!"

I heard something move inside, I assumed it was the man. I still heard some heavy footsteps that sounded a little awkward and so the door opened.

Revealing a seedy version of the businessman, his hair was messy, his dark circles were even deeper than usual, his beard was grown out and made him look like a homeless man, his shirt was open he smelled of alcohol, I soon noticed that William was completely drunk.

He looked at me with half-closed eyes from the swelling caused by the drink, I pulled him by the arm out of the room.

"William... For God's sake...Get out of there" The man tried to get rid of me, but when he tried, he almost lost his balance. William held on to the wall with difficulty and said in a slurred speech.

"Leave me alone...I can't take this anymore."

"William, I will not leave you. You need a shower, you need to be strong to move on with your life... I know it's hard, but you still have Mike, Violet and Vincent, and you have me... I'm here for you" Maybe those words were too harsh, but I needed to get him out of that dingy office before William tried to do something worse to himself.

"Come here, you need a hot bath." I guided him to the bathroom, even against his will. William muttered rambling words and sometimes cursed me.

Not caring, I turned on the shower, I helped him out of his clothes which were filthy with a mixture of sweat and alcohol.

I put him under the hot water and helped him keep his balance as I washed him.

"I'll help you, William... I'm here for you, just like you were by my side when I needed it."

The man didn't say anything else, just let me help him. After the shower, William looked a little better, so I wrapped a towel around his waist and made him sit on the toilet seat.

"Let's shave that beard." I took the shaving cream he kept in the bathroom cabinet and started to gently rub it on his face, when I was about to apply the razor to his face, he hit my arm causing the razor to fall into the floor.

"I don't want to do anything..."

I looked at him already annoyed and said.

"William, I don't have time for this!" I took a deep breath, and rubbed my temples. It would be hard to bring him back, but I wouldn't give up "Stop acting like a child..."

I picked up the razor off the floor and spoke in a demanding tone.

"Now are you going to let me do this, or are you a spoiled brat?" I provoked him

William went silent again and let me shave him, so I took him to our room, where I made him lie down for a while.

"Now rest a little, Will..."

"I can't... I need my sleeping pills." He asked, reaching for the drawer where he kept his medicines.

"Are you crazy? If you take one of these in that state, you will die."

"Whatever... I don't care anymore... I want to find my Elizabeth"

I put a hand on his face and sat down next to her.

"Don't say that, William. I already said I'm here, you're not alone" At that moment I had an idea. "I'll stay here until you sleep, okay?"

He didn't respond, so I snuggled up next to him on the bed, wrapped an arm over his body, and stroked his back.

"Will, I know it's hard, I'm sad too, I miss her every day, Lizzie was like my daughter to me, I loved her so much..." Tears started to form in my eyes when I remembered her happy face. , along with her childlike voice which, like her father's, had a British accent "But unfortunately there's nothing to be done..."

"There is one thing..." William interrupted me with a hoarse voice.


"Her soul is in that clown... She told me she is still there, she misses me" He spoke fast, but he didn't seem so drunk anymore, in fact the killer's voice sounded as if he was completely lucid."I need to put her back together... Elizabeth is waiting for me."

I didn't know what else to say to the man, it all sounded crazy, so I just said.


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