Chapter 20- I need to move on

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~(Y/n)'s pov
 Two weeks passed, and all was quiet.  William seemed to have understood that I didn't want any further contact.  He didn't even want to look for his son.  Mike handled the situation with a certain indifference, but I knew that deep down the boy felt a huge resentment towards his father.  I tried to help him, gave him all the attention Michael needed.
 I had gotten a job at a diner just a few feet from the school where the kid went to school, so Mike would visit me during breaks, and sometimes he would bring some friends.
 That afternoon was no different, Michael showed up with Ethan, his best friend, the two of them placed their orders as they always did, I wrote everything down and walked to the nearby tables to take the other customers' dishes, I could still hear when Ethan commented.
 "She's the one you're living with, isn't it?  Wow, Mike, she is hot"
 "Shut up, dude!  She almost became my stepmother."
 I heard Ethan laugh.
 "Your father has good taste in women, huh."
 "How stupid you are, Ethan…"
 The boy laughed again and I walked away, I couldn't hear their conversation anymore, but Ethan's comment about William stayed in my mind for the rest of the day.  I was very thoughtful about it.  Of course, I needed to get on with my life, and forget about William, maybe trying to date someone would help…
 Shortly after the boys left the cafeteria, I was about to leave my job when a guy who looked a few years older than me walked in.  He had black skin and green eyes, was tall, had short hair and no beard.  The man chose a place and one of my colleagues soon nudged me and said.
 "Can you get his order?  I have to take these servings to tables 5 and 17"
 I nodded and promptly went to serve him.
 "Good afternoon, what are you going to order?"
 He looked at me and smiled, I had to admit, the man had a really nice smile.
 He chose a hamburger, a side of fries and a soda.  I jotted everything down quickly and headed towards the kitchen.  A few minutes later, when the order was ready, I took the tray to the young man who thanked him with that same smile.
 As soon as I got back to the counter, my colleague Rebecca teased.
 "Hmmm you liked him…"
 I felt my face flush.
 "What?  No… I mean he's handsome, but I don't even know him… He must have a girlfriend."
 She nodded and curled her lip awkwardly and said.
 "We can find out."
 "What?  Rebecca…"
 The woman backed away from the counter, moving quickly towards the man.  I didn't have the heart to follow her, so I just stood there while my colleague chatted and gestured at the stranger.
 Minutes later she returned with a victorious smile and explained.
 "Well, (Y/n).  His name is Connor, he is 27 years old, he has a degree in robotics engineering and he moved to the city recently because of a job he got…" She paused and looked at me as she spread a small piece of napkin in front of me "and this is his phone number."
 She smiled and let go, already pulling away again.
 "You're welcome."

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