Chapter 9-Visit

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~(Y/n)'s pov

The night had already fallen when we arrived at my apartment. We got all of Michael's belongings out of the car, so I spoke, staring at the pile of stuff piling up in the room.

"You can have the guest room, but we'll have some work to do" I paused a little embarrassed "I use that room to store some things..."

Mike smiled amusedly and concluded.

"The guest bedroom is your garage."

"Let's say yes... the apartment doesn't have that much space." I defended myself and the boy laughed.

"I know, I'm just kidding."

"Well, I think we have a long job ahead of us." I walked over to Michael and ruffled his wavy brown hair.

He grunted, a mixture of laughter and complaint, I couldn't help but giggle.

Michael followed me as he fixed his hair. I opened a door, the boy glanced inside as if trying to identify every piece of furniture or thing stored there, then said a little discouraged.

"If we start now, we'll finish at dawn..."

"Don't worry, Mike. Let's do this together."

I promptly started pulling out some boxes that were piled up in a corner, Michael soon began to do the same.

"What are all these things?" he asked.

"There's a little of everything" I started to indicate each of the boxes "Things I got from my parents before I left their home, some toys from when I was little that I didn't have the courage to throw away, fine dishes I never used, and some discs too... These kinds of things you know."

The teenager nodded, scratching the back of his neck, he looked lost amidst so much objects.

"I think it's time to get rid of all this" I said looking at Mike, who just continued looking at the myriad of objects.

We continued to work for hours, taking out all the boxes, dismantling old furniture, taking everything out, sweeping the floor, and finally starting to put Michael's things in the room. Of course, it would still take time to transform the room into the perfect bedroom for a fifteen-year-old boy, but I was up for anything that would make Michael feel at ease. He still had to sleep on a mattress that night, but the boy didn't seem to care about that. He made the makeshift bed and lay down exhausted.

"Tomorrow I'll buy some things for your new room, okay?"

Mike nodded with a smile.

"Okay... Thank you, (Y/n)."

"Oh, Mike, you don't need to thank me. Now rest, we've had a long day and we still have a lot to do... Good night Mike."

"Good night, (Y/n)" I closed the bedroom door, letting the boy sleep, so I went to the living room to watch some TV.

I threw my body against the couch and turned on the TV, looking for something to watch, but there was nothing very interesting in the schedule and before long my eyelids started to feel heavy, so I let my body relax completely.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

A few hours later I woke up with a strange noise, it felt like someone was walking through the apartment. I sat on the couch, trying to make out shapes in the shadows.

The sound repeated in the room that now belonged to Mike. So I called him.

"Michael?" I didn't get an answer, but I didn't give up. "Mike, is that you?"

I got up from the couch, a little scared, and the noise continued. They were heavy steps that went from one side to the other.

I walked to Mike's room, worried. What if he was in danger? Had William broken into my house? I thought already on the verge of despair.

I opened the door and turned on the light at once. That's when I came across the figure of a man who remained standing with his face turned to the boy on the mattress. He had brown hair, and was shorter than William, wore jeans and a green flannel shirt. It took me a while to recognize Henry.

He was there, or rather his soul was there and he seemed to take care of Michael.

I couldn't help calling him.


He turned his face to me with wide eyes.

"(Y/n)? Can you see me?"

I shook my head in affirmation, this wasn't the first time I'd seen a ghost, and I was even getting used to the situation.

Henry smiled sadly and muttered.

"I missed you so much, (Y/N)..."

I stared at him in silence, I also missed him, Henry had become a great friend and could not forget what had happened between us for over a year, after all we were both taken by a whirlwind of mixed feelings. I started to feel the tears running down my face uncontrollably, tears that I had held back during those days while just watching Michael suffer. Yes, I was suffering too, but I preferred to hide what I felt, because of Mike. The man's spirit took a step towards me with a worried look.

"(Y/n)..." He reached out his hand leaving a few inches from me, Henry wanted to touch me, but he didn't seem to have the courage to do it.

"Why did you do that, Henry?" I questioned him, still crying, I could see the huge wound open in his chest.

The ghost shook his head in denial, looking away.

"I can't tell you... but promise me you'll take care of Mike, he needs you more than ever." He came a little closer.

"I promise, Henry" Our eyes met. His eyes were still the way I remembered , they still had a distant and dreamy look.

Henry got closer and closer, that's when I felt his lips touching mine. At first it felt like a normal kiss, I could even feel his breath, I closed my eyes and let it happen. After a few moments there, I felt an intense cold that ran down my spine and when I opened my eyes, Henry's spirit had dissipated into the air.

I left Mike's room with the feeling of the kiss on my lips. I had been kissed by a ghost... 

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