Chapter 84-Thoughts, kisses, Spring Bonnie and ghosts

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William's pov

While (Y/n) was out I went to my newborn children's room. I walked to the cribs and watched the children sleeping peacefully. Violet was cuddled in a Bonnie plush and Vincent had a Spring Bonnie plush right next to her.

I moved my daughter's hand gently, it was so small and so delicate, she pulled her arm away from the plush and still sleeping, grabbed my finger. I stared at her for a brief moment and she said it proudly.

"You are my little girl, Violet. Daddy will always be by your side, okay?"

So I gently pulled my finger out of my daughter's small hand and looked at Vincent in the crib next to him. Then I stroked the boy's head, who stirred a little, but didn't wake up either.

"You too, Vinny. Daddy will always be here for you two."

At that moment my thoughts wandered to (Y/n). My fiancée seemed very angry with me and I still didn't understand why, but I would treat her well and do whatever she wanted just to keep her by my side, even if it delayed my soul research. I knew that some sacrifice would have to be made and it would have to be in my studies...

I wanted (Y/n) to see me the same way he did when we first met. At the time everything was so much simpler, she didn't know about my past and she liked me, but two years had passed and she knew about my aggressive nature and was afraid of me.

I let out a sigh, leaving the babies' room and walking towards the living room, where I grabbed a glass and bottle of whiskey. I poured the drink into the glass and drank it down, feeling the taste of the alcohol going down my throat, it was a calming ritual for me on days when my mind became agitated. I repeated the dose, trying to push away the fear of losing (Y/n) that haunted my thoughts. But it seemed impossible to stop thinking about it. I had a feeling she was planning to take the kids and leave my house once more. Maybe it was just my mind trying to prank me, but even the drink couldn't make my mind go silent.

That's when I heard the door opening and the voices of (Y/n) and Mike, the two walked in together with smiles on their faces. Of course, (Y/n) had this ability to light up everything around her with her smile and I loved it.

I dropped the glass on the furniture and walked over to them. Mike looked at me and without saying anything went to his room. Before I could say anything to the teenager, (Y/n) interrupted me by placing a hand on my chest.

"Will, give him some time..."

I looked into (Y/n's) (Eye Color) eyes, it looked like she wanted to tell me something, but she held back and after a moment of staring at me in silence, she spoke.

"Will... This walk really helped me" She smiled.

I returned the gesture.

"That's good, my little bunny." So I bent down to kiss her and the girl responded without hesitation.

I ran one of my hands around the back of her neck and grabbed one of her arms. (Y/n) in turn placed her free hand on my cheek and caressed my face as our tongues touched. (Y/n) guided me towards the couch, without interrupting our kiss, and made me sit down and took her place on my lap, we continued to kiss for awhile and for the first time in months, I didn't feel like if I was manipulating the girl into staying with me.

"(Y/n)..." I muttered, making her walk away "Do you promise you'll never leave me again?"

She looked at me with a raised eyebrow and said.


"William, you said yourself that we have a family now and that we are about to get married, I have no other choice, do I?" She smiled and I let out a laugh, before pulling her closer to kiss her neck, I soon found a sensitive spot on her skin, causing (Y/n) to let out a muffled moan and she then whispered.

"Will... I can't do that..."

"Why not?" I questioned her

"Because I just had kids, your silly... my body is still recovering."

"Oh yes. Of course" I smiled understandingly and she pulled back a little.

"But we can stay together"

My smile grew and I gave him one more kiss on his lips.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Later, (Y/n) was resting after breastfeeding the babies. Elizabeth was lying next to her on our bed, both of them looking like they were about to fall asleep.

I approached them both, stroked Elizabeth's hair and after (Y/n), kissed my fiancee's cheek and spoke in her ear.

"I'll keep my promise."

She looked at me confused for a moment, but then she understood what I meant. (Y/n) nodded at me and so I left the room towards my office.

Upon arriving at the place, I looked directly at the Spring Bonnie costume that was standing in her robotic form, but with her eyes closed. I walked over to the animatronic and ran my hand through its shiny golden fur and whispered.

"Don't worry Spring Bonnie, I won't leave you there for long...." So I started to disassemble the robot and took its parts to my car and then drove towards Freddy's

After a few minutes, I arrived at the restaurant which was completely abandoned, the grass growing uncontrollably around the building.

As it was getting dark, I left my car's headlights on as a way of illuminating the interior of the place through the huge windows.

I took the copy of the keys I'd kept with me over the years and opened the main double doors.

I walked through the interior of the pizzeria, carrying some Spring Bonnie pieces. I looked around, everything was still exactly the same, even the animatronics were still there, standing there, staring at the main room that had once been full of life.

"Good times," I whispered to myself with a nostalgic smile. Yes. I missed that time.

I took Spring Bonnie to the back room of the pizzeria, the same place where I had committed my crimes. After a few minutes the costume was complete, sitting on the floor like an empty shell.

I looked at it, feeling bad for leaving it there, exposed to moisture, afraid it would damage the springlocks

I knelt on the floor and passed my hand through the fur again and said.

"I'll be back..." I got up from the floor and before I could leave the room I heard a childish voice saying.

"Do you think you're free from us?"

I ignored the voice of Susie, one of my victims, and so I left the restaurant quietly. I locked the doors of the place and went back to my house.

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