Chapter 89- Wedding- part 5

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(Y/n)'s pov

I was very anxious, I didn't know what to expect from that ceremony. Everything was perfect, of course. William made a point of helping me with everything, from choosing clothes to choosing decoration, but deep down I still felt a little confused, I didn't know what to expect for the next few years, after all William was still a murderer and that It scared and worried me a lot. But I was already there, dressed as a bride and minutes away from answering "Yes" to the man who had once tried to kill me. Even with all that, he seemed to be striving to be someone better. William was often the one who changed the babies' diapers, he still made food and organized outings on the weekends. He was even getting along well with Mike, as soon as he got home from work William still found time to play video games with his oldest son. It was very funny to see the scene, the two looked like children, arguing to decide whose turn it was. Even with Elizabeth he played, one day I found him in the girl's room wearing a pair of fairy wings on his back while the girl jumped on the bed and laughed saying that her father had turned into the "tickle fairy''.

There really was something different about that man, his eyes seemed to carry a renewed glow, he seemed to be finally happy.

William wanted our wedding to be the "perfect day" so badly that he even hired a huge carriage to take me down the aisle. To me that was an exaggeration, but Will insisted on it, and he didn't seem willing to spare his money. Hearing about her father's decision, Elizabeth was excited with the idea of ​​riding in a carriage, so it was impossible to refuse.

And there we were. Elizabeth and I sitting in a beautiful carriage "like Cinderella's" in the girl's words. She was so excited that she couldn't sit still on the bench.

So we arrived at the place where the wedding would take place, the carriage in front of everyone's eyes and of course, drew a lot of attention.

I got out of the vehicle with little difficulty on account of the long dress, when I was already on the grass, I helped Elizabeth down the steps.

I hesitated for a moment looking at all the guests, there were more people than I imagined. William had even invited some relatives from England, relatives who had not visited him at his first wedding, but who had made a point of crossing the ocean for the man's second marriage. Those unfamiliar faces stared at me, surprised. Perhaps they hadn't no idea that I was much younger than William.

I tried to ignore the stares and started walking towards my fiancé who was waiting for me with a huge smile. Elizabeth followed my pace, just a few steps away from me.

So I reached William, who held out his hand to help me onto the dais.

"You look wonderful, my little bunny. She looks like a goddess." The man commented, making me blush under the veil.

At this point the ceremony began, William had called a pastor from the region to perform the religious part. We weren't religious, but my fiancé insisted on his family's account. The pastor then began to speak that common text of every marriage and so asked.

"William Afton do you accept, (Y/n) (your last name) as your wife?"

"I do." William replied, in a serious tone, but still smiling.

The pastor turned to me.

"(Y/n) (Your last name), do you accept William Afton as your husband?"

I looked into William's blue eyes and replied.

"I accept."

The man lifted my veil and took the ring from the pillow Elizabeth was holding. William took my left hand and put the ring on my finger, his eyes landed on my face for a moment and so I understood that it was my turn to put the ring on his finger, I repeated the same process on the murderer's hand and so the pastor concluded.

"You can kiss the bride."

In one leap, William grabbed me around the waist, lifting me off the ground and kissing my lips. I responded almost immediately as everyone applauded and threw rice at both of us.

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