Chapter 23- First night- part 2

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As soon as William Afton left the pizzeria, Connor began his work.

First he cleaned Circus Baby, the robot was covered in confetti and there were even pieces of cake stuck to her body.

"The kids got rough with you today, didn't they? Don't worry, I'll take all that dirt off."

Baby's eyes opened but Connor didn't notice, he was wiping the back of the clown's head.

Circus Baby then moved an arm, startling the boy who almost fell off the ladder he used to reach the robot girl's higher parts.

"Good night, Connor Walker." Baby said in a calm voice.

"Oh God!" exclaimed the man, frightened. He held on tight to the stairs.

"Don't be scared, Connor." She turned her head to the boy. Her bright green eyes looked at him closely. "I know you're here to fix us, I heard the whole conversation."

"But how? You were deactivated..."

"Not really, I was just faking it."

The big green eyes remained fixed on the boy's face.

"H-how?" Connor stuttered, not believing what he was hearing. The robot seemed to have a mind of her own.

The man backed up a little, almost falling down the ladder again. Circus Baby made a quick move and caught him.

"You need to be more careful, Connor. If you keep working like this, you'll end up hurting yourself." The robot's voice sounded a little disturbing to him. Almost like a kind of threat.

"I... I..." He looked at the huge metallic hand that held him firmly. There was fear in his gaze.

"Don't worry, I'll help you."

"Help me?"

She didn't respond, but her robotic head moved gently to the side as if she wanted to nod.

"But why would I need help?" Connor asked in a burst of courage.

"Not everyone here is so friendly. I advise you to use ventilation to get from one place to another, it is safer."

Connor shuddered at the thought of being in imminent danger.

Baby finally took her eyes off the man, her head turned to a random spot as if the robot was listening to something in the distance, she then said.

"If I were in your place, I would be quick and enter that ventilation over there."

Connor squirmed a little in Baby's hand and freed himself, the boy ran awkwardly to the narrow opening in the wall. He bent down and entered. Connor scrambled along, not knowing where it would take him.

After a few minutes, the man finally saw the exit. It was a small room with a huge window and two strange dolls. Connor thought they were either prototypes or William's abandoned designs. There was even a control table, full of buttons of different colors.

Baby's voice then echoed in the room.

"There is a space under the desk, someone before you crafted it into a hiding place and it worked for him. I recommend you hurry though. You will be safe, just try not to make eye contact, it will be over soon, they will lose interest."

Connor complied, shrinking into what appeared to be a makeshift closet of some sort. He was shaky and had no idea what was to come. The boy closed the metal door and soon began to hear a series of noises approaching. Then a voice came

"Knock knock...Someone is inside...- Connor managed to see through a hole that there were two of them, they were dolls the size of children that seemed to be looking for him. Suddenly, the man noticed that the door was slowly opening, he tried to hold the metal plate, but the robots were strong and fought on the other side to get the furniture open. Connor kept holding the door as long as he could.

"We always find a way inside," said one of them, still forcing the door.

Connor knew he couldn't hold on much longer, his hands were sweaty with fear and the metal was slowly slipping, he gave up, hoping Baby would help him. Just as one of the dolls jumped on his face, Connor tried to wrestle the robot, but the doll grabbed his head and slammed it against the hard metal of the table. Connor still felt a trickle of blood run down his face. His head swiveled for a moment, he thought he saw his girlfriend before everything went dark.

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