Chapter 82- Walk

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(Y/n)'s pov

"Okay, so we have a deal."

William held out his hand to me, expecting me to shake it, but I didn't, just crossed my arms and stared at him.

The man then walked towards the sink, still full of dishes and said.

"I think you're in a bad mood... I'll give you some time, okay? Go out for a walk if you want. I keep an eye on the babies, don't worry, they'll be fine, I promise."

William's voice had returned to its usual calm tone and he was already wearing his usual smile. I thought of his words. My fiance was right, maybe a walk could help. So I spoke.

"I think I'll do it anyway..." I got up at once and went towards the room where I changed my clothes and left without even saying goodbye to him.

I wouldn't go that far, I just wanted to walk a little, get away from William for a moment to think things over and then come back.

I walked for a few meters, my mind was still racing. I no longer knew what to do. Running away wasn't an option, my parents needed me, and now my kids too, even Mike and Elizabeth needed me, I wouldn't abandon them at all, I loved them.

William could tell me every day that he was willing to change, but I no longer believed him. The man really had no scruples and I knew it was impossible for him to change that much, I didn't know if I really liked him anymore, I just had to stay in the house to protect the children. Of course, it would be a huge sacrifice, but it was necessary.

I kept walking, until I arrived at a park, at that time there weren't many people, just a few teenagers who were hiding.

In the distance, I saw Mike. The boy was with his friends, they were talking and laughing. I noticed that there was something in the teenager's hand, I strained my vision and soon I noticed that it was a cigarette, I was already about to approach, but I hesitated, that would be an embarrassment to him. So I just stood there for a moment, looking around, pretending I didn't see him and hoping he wouldn't notice me.

So I sat on a bench and continued to observe the little movement of the place, sometimes I looked at the group of friends, Mike continued to smoke and also drank beer with those boys.

It was then that he saw me, the teenager was awkward for a moment, he gestured to the other boys and walked away towards me, still with the cigarette between his fingers. As he walked, Mike realized he was still holding it, so he threw the object to the ground and stomped to put it out and so increased his speed. Embarrassed, he kept his head down.

"(Y/n)... I can explain..." He said, looking up.

"Mike, it's okay" I spoke in an understanding way and indicated the vacant space next to me "Sit here with me. Let's talk" Michael complied, still awkwardly. I continued. "I'm not going to scold you for that, but I need to tell you that these things aren't good for you, you're still too young for that."

"I know...But I wanted to forget about my father for a moment, you know? I thought this would help..."

I nodded.

"I know how you feel... I also came here to put William aside for a while, but you don't have to drink or smoke to forget about him... It will only make you sick."

"Really? Are you tired of him too?" Mike's eyes widened.

"Yes, or do you think he's easy to deal with?" I questioned him in a playful tone that made him smile for a brief moment, but soon his expression changed and his eyes darkened.

"(Y/n), is it true that my father is a murderer?"

I swallowed hard, and it took me a few seconds to get something out.

"What are you talking about? Of course not..."

Mike rested his blue eyes on me impatiently and said.

"You don't have to lie to me, (Y/n)... I heard the conversation you two had earlier. I already know everything he did...My father is a serial killer and you knew it."

"Mike... " I muttered with some difficulty. I still wasn't ready to have this conversation with the boy.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I couldn't tell you."

"Why not?"

"Mike, this is a delicate situation...We need to be careful..."

The teenager interrupted me.

"No, (Y/n). We need to call the police..." He shook his head from side to side, visibly disappointed by his discovery. "I always knew my father was crazy, but not like this."

"Stay calm, Mike... I know it's hard, but think about Elizabeth, she needs William for now..."

The boy sighed.

"It's okay... it's okay... But, (Y/n), I'm afraid he'll try something against us."

Michael was right, this could really happen and it was one of my fears, but I needed to calm him down.

"He won't do that, I won't let it to happen..." At that moment I hugged him and said "I love you and your siblings, I won't let anything happen to any of you."

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