Chapter 28- Father and son

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William's pov

(Y/n) slowly calmed down in my arms until she fell asleep. So I took her carefully to his room, put her on the bed and covered her. Before leaving the room, I placed a quick kiss on his lips.

"Good night, my little bunny."

So I walked to Mike's room, knocked on the door a few times, and heard my son's voice.

"Who is it?" His voice sounded tearful.

"It's me, Mike... Open the door, I want to talk."

"I have nothing to talk to you"

I insisted.

"Michael, please... I came to apologize..."

There was a moment of silence, then the door opened. My son's face was still red where I'd slapped him, and he looked like he'd been crying a lot.

"You? Apologizing to me?"

I nodded.

"Yes... can we talk a little?"

Mike's eyes darted from side to side, as if pondering an answer. The boy let out a sigh.

"All right..."

I took a step forward, entering the room. The room wasn't big, but it was well organized, only the bed was messy and on top of the pile of covers was a Fredbear plush, I knew that bear had belonged to Christopher.

The walls had been painted dark blue and Mike had pasted several posters of bands and singers on one of them.

My son sat on the bed, I went over and picked up the yellow bear and stared at the toy for a moment.

"I miss him".Michael muttered.

I looked at the boy and asked.


"I miss Chris... He was a brat, but he was my little brother..."

I sat down next to him and looked again at Fredbear who was still in my hands.

"Me too, Mike... me too..."I let out with a sigh.

Mike didn't say anything else and we remained silent for long minutes. Until I spoke, in a low voice.

"I owe you an apology..."

The boy turned his gaze to me, he looked surprised.


"It's true, Mike... I condemned you for something that was out of your control... Do you forgive me?"

Michael stared at me, serious for a brief moment, but then his expression softened and the teenager hugged me tightly. That kind of hug I haven't had in a long time.

"I forgive you, father."

I hugged him back and then we stood there talking for a few more hours. Mike told me many things that had happened that year after my fight with Henry.

The boy even told that he was liking a girl in his class, I gave him my support, but I advised him.

"Look, Mike, I know you see me as an old man, but I'm still not old enough to have grandchildren."

We laughed.

"Don't worry about it, Dad. I'm taking it slow."

I nodded to my son and told him that I wanted to get closer to (Y/n) again. Mike then cracked a joke about not wanting to change the siblings' diapers. I looked at the boy with a smile and punched him very lightly on the shoulder.

When we realized it, it was already late at night.

"I think I'll go home..."I said, getting up.

"Dad, I think (Y/n) wouldn't mind if you stay."

I opened a smile for my son

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