Chapter 8- Moving

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~(Y/n)'s pov
 The next day I took Mike to Henry's house to get his things, the boy had a copy of the keys so it was easy to get inside.
 As soon as we entered the house, I could see a huge dark stain in the middle of the room.  I knew what it was, it was blood.  My stomach instantly lurched at the thought that Henry was there, slumped and lifeless, I was trying not to look at the stain, but it seemed impossible.  Michael noticed my discomfort and nudged me toward the stairs.
 "Come on, (Y/N)... My room is upstairs…"
 I followed him to the room he had stayed in.  There, Mike promptly grabbed a backpack and put on some clothes without much care.
 "I want to do this as soon as possible, (Y/N)..."
 "Okay, I'll help you." I took some more clothes and objects from the boy and put them in a basket that I imagined was a basket of dirty clothes, but at that moment it would serve us to do the job more quickly.
 Michael continued to sort his things when at one point he sat on his bed and looked around.  I looked at him and asked
 "Are you okay, Mike?"
 The boy shook his head.
 "(Y/n), this house was the best place I've ever lived... I'll miss it…"
 I sat down beside him and spoke.
 "I know how you feel, Mike.  Henry also made me feel at home when I spent time here, he knew how to do that…"I smiled understandingly at the boy.
 He looked at me with his blue eyes, exactly like William's and remembered.
 "(Y/n), did you know that Henry knew how to make homemade pizza better than Freddy's?"
 "Really?  I didn't know that, but he cooked really well…"
 Michael nodded and sighed.
 "He was teaching me how to assemble and fix animatronics.  Henry had a lot of free time after Freddy's closed, that's when he decided to start teaching me… I even started drawing some robots, but nothing too complex…"
 We sat there for a long time, talking about the fond memories we had of Henry.  By the time we realized it was almost nightfall and we still needed to get most of Michael's stuff.  The boy got up and said.
 "Let's finish this."
 I shook my head.

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