Chapter 19- Family?

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Normal pov

It was Sunday and Mike had just woken up, the boy found it strange not to hear any noise coming from the kitchen, Michael already imagined seeing Henry and Charlie together in the kitchen preparing breakfast. He rolled over in bed, realizing where he was.

It would still take some time for the boy to get used to (Y/n)'s apartment. The atmosphere here was totally different from the one in Henry's house.

The apartment was old and small, everything was neat and clean, but there was a strange smell that probably came from the blue carpet that looked like it had been there for a long time.

The Freddy's owner's house was spacious, even too spacious. It wasn't that organized, Henry would always forget parts of his projects in random places and Mike would find them and take them to the workshop, being warmly received by the man.

(Y/n) was a good person, of course. She had always treated the teenager with the affection and attention worthy of a mother, and in turn Henry had played the role of father, even if only for a short time.

Mike sighed heavily, before leaving (Y/n)'s newly purchased bed.

The teenager walked to (Y/n)'s room, he was sure the young woman was still sleeping, but when he arrived in the room, Mike found the door wide open and the room empty, the bed was still messy.

"Maybe she went to the bathroom," thought Michael.

The boy then went to the kitchen, where he got a fright; There was (Y/n) curled up on the floor. He ran to (Y/n), worried.

"(Y/n)?!" The woman turned her gaze to Mike, her eyes were red and swollen, it looked like (Y/n) had been crying for hours.

"What happened?" Michael asked scared.

(Y/n) sat down, propped up on one of the lockers and said.

"Don't worry, Mike... I'm fine..."

The boy knelt beside her.

"You don't look good at all..." He paused, looking at his friend intensely. "It was my father, wasn't it? He's here, isn't he? He hurt you..."

Mike jumped to his feet and scanned the room quickly, looking for any sign of William's presence.

"No, Mike..." the teenager looked at the woman who was still sitting on the floor. "He's not here... He didn't do anything..."

"So tell me what happened, (Y/n). Please..."

She motioned with her hand for Michael to come closer. He promptly obeyed and sat down next to (Y/n).

"Listen, Mike... Yesterday when I left for the afternoon, I went to meet William..."

The teenager continued to stare at her with his mouth slightly open, not knowing what to say for a few moments. (Y/n) continued.

"We went to the park...We talked" She paused longer and bit her lip, embarrassed. "I think you're mature enough to know what happened...We kissed..."

"What?" Mike stood up again, there was a growing anger in his expression, he looked like he was about to scream, but the boy took a deep breath and let it out "How? Why? (Y/n)..."

"Mike, after that I felt really bad and I called him asking him not to look for us anymore..." (Y/n) looked down sadly.

Michael still looked at her for a few moments before giving her a sympathetic hug and giving her a shy kiss on the young woman's hair (Hair Color).

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