Chapter 18 - New plans

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~William's pov
 "(Y/n)?  (Your nickname)?  My bunny?  " I still tried to call her, but the girl had already hung up the phone.
 "Shit!" I muttered putting the phone in its cradle and punching the wall. How come she didn't want me to look for her?  It just didn't make any sense.  A few hours before (Y/n) and I were in the park, together like a year ago.  I was sure something was wrong.
 I dialed the girl's number and waited, but no one answered.  I tried calling a few more times, but it sounded like she was ignoring me on purpose.
 I thought about going to her apartment to understand what was going on, but then I remembered that Mike was there and he could intrude on my plans.
 "Shit, shit, shit" I muttered again, it looked like everything was really over.
 I walked into the living room and grabbed a bottle of whiskey, poured the drink into a glass I always kept close and sat on the couch, I needed to relax a little to think of a plan B.
 I thought for a long time, and I don't even know how many times I filled that glass.  My mind wandered with memories of (Y/n) inside that house.  She always took very good care of my children, especially when she was recovering from my accident with the spring locks.
 "She was always so attentive…" I said to myself with a smile "I can't lose her…"
 As I felt the alcohol go down my throat, I had the idea of ​​starting to follow the girl, but I knew that would make (Y/n) get even further away from me.
 After hours there, I ended up falling asleep.
 My dreams were confused and chaotic, maybe because of the drink or because of my thoughts, or even a mixture of both, but (Y/n) appeared in everyone, always by my side.

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