Chapter 37- Car accident

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~William's pov

 That afternoon I had gone out to buy some parts for my robots and was on my way home.  I had to drop off those pieces at my workshop and then pick up Elizabeth from school and I was almost late.

 As the streets were very empty so I was driving at a slightly higher speed than normal, at a certain point I ended up looking away from the path, that's when I felt I had hit something.

 I stopped the car, at first I thought I had run over an animal, but as soon as I got out of the vehicle I noticed that there was a person lying in the middle of the asphalt, I could see his feet, on them there was a pair of white converse sneakers.

 I took a few steps forward and soon noticed who was there;  it was (Y/n).

 I was taken by a strange sensation, I felt my heart flutter in my chest, I had never felt that before.

 I knelt beside her and turned her face to me, I noticed that the girl was still breathing, she didn't seem to be hurt too much, there was just a bleeding bruise on her forehead.  I quickly scooped her up in my arms and laid her on the back seat of the car, got back into the driver's seat and drove home.

 Getting there, the first thing I did was take (Y/n) out of the car, I took her to my room, and I laid her on the bed, she was still unconscious, so I cleaned the wound on her face and bandaged it, looked for other injuries that could cause problems, but luckily there were none.

 I left the room and locked the room so that (Y/n) wouldn't try to escape, so I went back to my car, I still needed to pick up my daughter from school.

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