Chapter 4- Worries

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Jen was a nervous wreck, she had just picked up her niece, Charlie, from school, she still needed to prepare documents for her brother's funeral, and Michael had disappeared, the woman didn't know what to do.

Where could Michael have gone? She thought . Jen didn't know any of the Michael's friends, but she knew he was scared, after all the teenager had found Henry's dead body.

"Aunt Jen..." murmured Charlie in a tearful voice.

"Yes, my dear. " She took her niece in her arms.

Charlie was silent for a brief moment and hugged Jen tightly.

"I want my daddy..."She mumbled.

"I know, Charlie, I know...But Hen is gone, now you have me."

The girl buried her head in Jen's neck.

"Do you think one day I'll meet daddy again?"

Jen didn't know how to answer the girl, it was an unexpected question coming from such a small child.

The woman was thoughtful for a brief moment and replied.

"Yes, Charlie, we'll all find him one day."

She rocked the girl in her arms as her thoughts wandered to Michael again. She still had the boy's terrified look in her mind, and even though she tried to remain calm, it was difficult. Jen knew that Michael would not be returning to William's house, but she feared that when the man discover about Henry's death, he would decide to look for her son.

Jen was never very fond of William, there was something about him that didn't make her comfortable in his presence, and right now she had a strange feeling.

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