Chapter 52- Can you see them?

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~(Y/n)'s pov

I woke up in the middle of the night, I was alone in William's workshop, the place was immersed in darkness, only a few slivers of light came through the window that seemed to have been hastily covered with something I couldn't identify at that moment. I tried to move, but something was holding me back. Damn it! William had tied me to something, my head was throbbing, and my whole body ached, and it was all his fault. That night he had used me for his own pleasure, as if I were some sort of toy or even his sex slave.

I could only feel hatred and disgust towards William for all that, I wanted to get out of there, get away from him, forget him once and for all. I was already wishing he would die or even kill me at once, the man seemed to enjoy making me suffer, he seemed to feel an indescribable pleasure in mistreating me and using me as a mere object. William was acting the same way Bryan had done to me years before.

The image of the boy came to my mind, along with the memories of abuse I had suffered from him. Bryan didn't mind hitting me in public or keeping me trapped in his room when I visited him ...

Why was I going through all this again?

I began to cry softly, as I tried in vain to free myself from those ropes. At that moment I felt a new wave of nausea, but my stomach was empty, I hadn't eaten anything for at least a day, but the nausea continued... That certainly wasn't a concussion, as William had said.

I shuddered at the thought that I might be pregnant by the man who had killed several children in cold blood. And that was indeed a possibility, since we'd had sex weeks before and William had carried it through and my period had been late for quite some time.

A shiver ran down my spine with the frightening certainty that I was expecting a child from William. I started sobbing nervously, not bothering to make any noise.

"No... No... I can't be pregnant with that monster... no... " I muttered to myself.

At that moment I heard a noise in a corner of the workshop. I sniffled trying to keep the crying away. Was William watching me from the darkness? I tried to return my gaze to the source of the noise, but I could see only a few misshapen shadows. It was then that I heard two childish voices whispering. I was silent trying to understand what they were saying.

"Mommy is sad... "said one of the voices that seemed to be a boy's. "Are we hurting her?"

"Shh..." Another little voice came up scolding the first. "She'll listen to us."

In that instant I recognized Cassidy's voice.

" Cassidy? Fritz? Are you there? " I called for the ghosts waiting for an answer.

"I said she would listen to us..."

"Sorry, Cass... I just thought Mom was sad with us..."

I noticed that the children were just a few meters away from me, their ghostly bodies seemed to have their own light and illuminated a part of the room.

"Of course she's not sad with us..."

I interrupted the girl.

"Cassidy, Fritz, can you help me?"

The spirits looked at each other for a moment and the girl nodded.

"Yes, we won't let him hurt you again."

At that moment the door slowly opened noisily. A tall form appeared at the door. It was William, the killer had returned, he looked at me for a brief moment, but then his eyes were drawn to the corner where the children were. The man's eyes widened, looking startled.

I frowned. Could he see them?

"William..."I muttered, attracting the criminal's attention. So I let go. "Don't hurt them."

I knew that spirits couldn't be harmed by living people, but I wanted William to know that I saw them as much as he did.

The man's eyes darted to his workshop corner again, Cassidy and Fritz were still there, staring at him in fear.

"Don't hurt them." I repeated with renewed courage.

"Can you see them?" William asked, his voice sounded strange, it looked like he was scared.

I just shook my head and said.

"They're protecting me now."

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