Chapter 74- The babies were born

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William's pov

I drove first towards Elizabeth's school, and again found my daughter accompanied by her teacher, both sitting on a bench. As I approached the woman looked at me with an air of disapproval, my daughter in turn, ran towards me and hugged me.

The teacher approached the same way she had the other day when I arrived late and said.

"Mr. Afton, I already told you we have schedules here. Her daughter is desperate when you take too long to pick her up."

I took my daughter in my arms and sighed.

"Yes. Yes. I already know that, but today I had some problems, I couldn't come earlier. My wife had to go to the hospital, but I believe you're more concerned about schedules."

At that moment Elizabeth wrapped her little arms around my neck and asked in a low voice.

"Is (Y/n) okay?"

I smiled.

"Yes, it is, and I have a surprise, but I'll only talk when we get home, okay?"

Elizabeth looked into my eyes.

"Is the surprise ice cream?"

I let out a laugh and replied.

"Not exactly, but I think you'll like it." With that said, I took her to the car.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

So I drove to the school where Mike was studying, I knew the boy spent time at the school gates, talking to his friends. I drove the car slowly in front of the school, there it was: my son talking to three other boys who looked around his age. I didn't like them, they didn't seem trustworthy and Michael knew it. Seeing my car, Michael grabbed his backpack, hurriedly said goodbye to his friends.

He quickly walked towards the car and asked.

"Did something happen, father?"

I nodded to my son and spoke, keeping my voice serious.

"Yes, get in the car. At home I'll tell you."

Mike obeyed, the teenager looked at me for a brief moment, then looked at his sister who was distracted with her dolls and then looked back at me, there was a suspicious look in his eyes.

"Father, you're scaring me..."

"Don't worry, Mike" I smiled at him as I headed home "I have good news."

Elizabeth then stuck her head between the front seats.

"Daddy said it's not ice cream, so I doubt it's such good news."

I laughed again.

"Lizzie, I think this news is better than ice cream."

Mike looked out and tried to guess.

"You're going to marry (Y/n), aren't you?"

I shook my head.

"Not yet... We're getting married, but we'll leave that for later."

Elizabeth then spoke.

"Are we going to adopt a kitten? I love kittens..."

I looked at her through the rearview mirror and spoke.

"Well... No. We're not going to adopt a cat."

The girl grumbled and pouted sullenly.

"Do you know how to take care of a cat?" I asked her.

Elizabeth was thoughtful for a moment and then denied it.

"No, daddy... I don't know... Is it that hard?"

I shook my head.

"It's harder than you think. You need to take good care of him, need to feed him, clean up the cat's poop and pee" When I mentioned that part the girl let out an "eww" and I couldn't help but smile "Disgusting, isn't it?"

"Yes... I don't want to clean up poop..."

"So no cats." I concluded

"But Mike can clean it up." Elizabeth spoke on the verge of laughter as she pointed to her brother in the front seat.

"What?" Protested the boy.

"Yes. You clean, you stink so much you won't even smell poop" Provoked Elizabeth.

"You're the one who stinks!" Michael defended himself.

"Elizabeth! Michael! Stop it now!" I said in an already irritated tone "Only you two can make me like this on a day like today."

"Sorry..." The two spoke in unison.

"Today is the happiest day of my life." I blurted out, causing my children to stare at me.

"Why, father?" Mike asked.

"Well, I think I can talk now..." I paused, sharpening the curiosity of both of them "the babies were born. Now you have two more little siblings. Violet and Vincent."

At that moment Michael and Elizabeth burst out with questions.

"Really? Why didn't you tell us right away?"

"How do they look like Daddy? Are they at home?"

"Calm down, calm down... I wanted to surprise you two. They are very small and that's why they need to stay in the hospital for a few days, (Y/n) will also have to stay there, but soon you'll meet them."

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