Chapter 95- She is gone...

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William's povHearing the screaming coming from the direction of the Circus Baby stage, I ran to see what had happened. Children ran out of the restaurant and yelled "Baby ate a girl!"My plan had worked, but I couldn't celebrate just yet...Upon arriving on stage I noticed the blood running down the wood that formed the stage. The red liquid was already accumulating on the checkered floor. My eyes darted to the robot on stage, blood dripping from her belly. (Y/n) and Mike came right behind me.At that moment I saw a piece of pink fabric that had stuck out of Baby's belly, so I recognized that fabric, it was one of Elizabeth's favorite dresses...No!No!No!This couldn't be real...I leapt onto the stage, deactivated the robot, and quickly opened Baby's belly, revealing my daughter's already lifeless body. I pulled it out, not caring about getting smeared with blood.I held Elizabeth in my arms like a baby and knelt on the floor, still in disbelief. I brushed her orange hair away from her face, stroking it as I stared into her terrified looking little face. I hugged her tightly, burying my face in her neck and whispering as tears ran down my face.-Lizzie... My little princess, please talk to daddy... Don't do this to me. Answer me please, don't leave me...-But it was no use anymore, my little girl was dead. My Lizzie had been a victim of my upbringing. At that moment I let out a scream from the back of my throat.-No!At that point I was totally smeared with my daughter's blood, but I didn't care, nothing else mattered, I just wanted my Lizzie back, alive and well.(Y/n) approached the stage, the girl looked at me, silently, seemed stunned by the situation, almost as if her feelings were anesthetized and that prevented her from having any reaction, Mike soon joined (Y/n) ).-Father... No..- Her voice was low and weak.I turned my back to the two of them, still holding Elizabeth in my arms, and lay there stroking her hair and rocking my daughter, as if she was just sleeping.

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