Chapter 75- Visit

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(Y/n)'s pov

The next morning, two nurses took my children to the room where I was so that I could breastfeed them, that was the first time I saw them and held them in my arms, they were so small, so delicate and helpless.

First I picked up Violet, the nurse explained to me the correct way to hold the baby while I was feeding her.

Then it was Vincent's turn, the boy seemed to be more agitated than his sister, but right after he was fed, he fell asleep just like Violet.

The woman gave me several tips on how to take care of my children, since twins are more work, she said that as soon as I recovered a little I could change them and bathe them.

The nurse's explanation was interrupted by a few knocks on the door, her colleague then opened the door, giving way to William, Michael and Elizabeth. The trio entered almost shyly, but as soon as they laid eyes on me, the three opened smiles, they even looked like they had rehearsed for that, such was the synchrony in their gestures.

"They wanted to meet the little brothers, they insisted so much that I decided to bring them here" William said approaching "And also serves as an excuse to come see you, my bunny" He leaned down to kiss my cheek and let out a little laugh.

William looked different, there was a different gleam in his eyes, his hair was neatly combed, his beard was neat and he wore more perfume than he used to.

I was about to ask why he'd dressed up so much when Mike asked, looking at the babies sleeping side by side in the crib.

"When are you going home?"

"Well, I still don't know... But I think in a few days we'll be home."

Elizabeth imitated her brother, looking at the babies and shyly asked.

"Can I help take care of them?"

I smiled at the little girl.

"Of course you can, I would love to have your help."

Elizabeth's eyes widened.


I nodded at her.

"Yes, you always helped me a lot, Lizzie."

She broke into a huge smile and looked at William proud of herself.

"See, daddy. I help (Y/n)."

William let out another chuckle and said, encouraging his daughter.

"Yes, I know that, you really help her... Elizabeth, didn't you have something to say to (Y/n)?"

The child nodded in agreement, her eyes stared at the floor and she was silent for a brief moment, she seemed to be embarrassed, the little girl then looked at her older brother who smiled at her, also encouraging her. Elizabeth finally faced me and said.

"(Y/n)... Mike and I want you to be our mother..."

I widened my eyes and stared at the two who looked back shyly. Mike then spoke.

"We thought you might like it if we call you mom..."

I felt my face flush a little, this was all new to me, so I replied.

"Well, you can call me mom, but only if you feel comfortable with it."

So the two approached and hugged me. Elizabeth spoke quietly.

"I'm comfortable with that, Mommy."

"Me too," Mike said in a tearful voice.

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