Chapter 33- The children

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(Y/n)'s pov
 I was just getting ready for work when I heard a noise, it was as if someone was walking into my apartment.  As I was used to supernatural visits, I figured Henry had returned, so I called him.
 A childish voice answered.
 "No… My daddy has already left…"
 I turned my gaze towards my bedroom door and saw a brown haired child, she had several injuries on her little body, I could see a huge red spot on her belly.  Her expression was frightening, her dark eyes were framed by deep dark circles and her face was profoundly pale.
 Even with that appearance, I could see similarities with the other ghost that had visited me moments before.
 "Charlie?" I murmured, and the girl nodded. I didn't understand, how was it possible that Henry's daughter was before my eyes in the form of a ghost?  She was alive.
 The ghost child approached me, took my hand.  It was weird, but somehow I could feel his cool little hand touching mine.  I looked at Charlie's hand and noticed that it was smeared with mud, as was part of her arm.  It looked like the girl had fallen to the ground.
 :Come with me." Her voice sounded a little impatient and pulled me out of my thoughts at the same moment.
 The little girl guided me to the living room of my house. There I noticed five other children who looked at me scared, all had injuries on their little bodies, some looked more hurt than others, but I knew perfectly well who had done that to them.  I looked at Charlie and muttered a little shakily.
 "They are the…" Before I could finish my sentence, the child nodded.
 It was scary to see them all there, the way they had died, it made me even more angry with William.  How could anyone do something like that to children?
 I let go of Charlie's hand and took a step forward toward the ghosts.
 "Hello… " I blurted out, still a little scared by the appearance of those spirits.
 They didn't respond, just continued to stare at me, motionless.
 "I won't hurt you all... " I took another step closer to those ghosts, then a little boy with a face full of freckles walked up to me, he looked at me with a serious look for a few moments and touched my belly, as if he was about to to say something and wanted to get my attention.
 "He will come back…" He said.
 I knew the boy was talking about William and the thought that the man might come after me again made me shiver.
 Charlie then walked up to me and touched me in the same way as the little boy.
 "Be careful, (Y/n)."
 After saying that, the girl disappeared, taking with her the other children who disappeared, one by one.
 After the group disappeared into thin air, I felt strangely tired and sat down on the couch, where I fell asleep without realizing it.

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