Chapter 66- Revenge?

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(Y/n)'s pov

That morning I was alone at home, William had gone to work and the children were at school. So I decided that I would start tidying up my kids' new room. William decided that we would use the room that had belonged to Christopher. Then the man gave me the key to the dead boy's room. Everything was as I remembered it, from the bed to the toys. William had told me that he didn't have the strength to take his youngest son's things out of the room, so he asked me to do this job, I accepted, even though I knew the task would be difficult even for me.

I started taking the boy's clothes off, it was a sad thing to do. Every shirt or pants I took out of the drawers reminded me of the boy with brown hair and tearful eyes, I couldn't help but be sad. Christopher was a great kid. Thanks to him I met William.

I put a few more pieces of clothing in a cardboard box and then sat on the bed, feeling some tears welling up in my eyes, maybe because of the hormonal change or maybe because of the memories of that time that were still vivid in my mind like a movie.

He thought of William, Michael, Elizabeth, Christopher, even Clara. At that moment I realized how my life had changed because of William. My relationship with him was still somewhat confusing to me, even though the man treated me well I was still afraid of him, but at the same time I had a love for the killer. It was weird, I knew that, but after all I was pregnant and living with William.

It was then that I felt an icy touch on my arm. Looking to the side, I saw Christopher sitting next to me. The boy was pale and looked like he had been crying a lot.

"Chris..." I whispered to him, causing the child to turn his gaze to me.

"My father forgot me..." Christopher murmured.

I kept my gaze fixed on the ghost.

"No, Chris. He hasn't forgotten you... Why do you think that?"

Christopher looked deep into my eyes and touched my belly before saying.

"He likes Cassidy and Fritz more...I know this is her fault..."

I widened my eyes not understanding exactly what the boy was talking about.

"How so? Whose fault?"

He let out a sigh and looked down at his feet a little embarrassed.

"Cassidy's fault... She wouldn't let me come back as your son, she said she wanted revenge on my father... You have no idea how strong she is... I couldn't do anything... I'm sorry" Chris said the last part in a low voice , I almost couldn't hear it.

"Hey, you don't need to apologize, Chris."

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