Chapter 30- A night at the apartment- part 2

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~(Y/n)'s pov

In the middle of the night, when I changed position, I felt that there was something more in my bed, I opened my eyes and noticed that there was someone there, I could see his thin hand hanging over me, as if he was hugging me, his breathing was heavy and at the same time calm at the same time. I ran my eyes to the arm, that's when I noticed a pattern near the wrist, like some kind of tattoo, but it wasn't one, I looked a little more and realized they were scars. The marks appeared to be from deep wounds, and they were in high relief.

It took me a while to remember where I'd seen that pattern of wounds before.

"William..."I muttered, trying to get rid of him, I couldn't believe he had laid down on my bed...

The man woke up suddenly, probably because of my agitation, he then pulled me closer to his chest and whispered next to my ear.

"Shhh, don't worry, my scared little bunny, I won't hurt you, you just need to behave this time."

William gripped me tightly, I felt when the man wrapped one of his legs over me, I could feel his hot, sweaty skin against mine.

"Is he naked?" I thought, my heart racing with fear.

Again he spoke.

"Stay calm, I won't do you any harm, I was just missing you... Now go back to sleep."

"William..."I grumbled again "You're hurting me..."

The man eased the embrace and I was able to turn towards him. Our faces were very close and William was staring at me with lust in his eyes.

My bed wasn't that big, which forced us to be very close to each other, that forced proximity made me a little uncomfortable.

I looked away for a brief moment and even with the little light coming from the street, I could see that the man was really naked or seemed to be...

I stared at his chest for a few moments, there were more scars there.

He noticed my insistent gaze.

"What happened, my little bunny?" His voice was calm and melodious as always, but at that moment it made me shiver. "Are you afraid of your big bunny?"

I nodded my head in an almost nervous movement.

William let out a muffled chuckle.

"Oooh, my little bunny... don't be afraid, I already told you..." He placed his hand on my face in a loving way and caressed my cheek, pushing away an unruly strand of my hair.

The man still looked at me for a brief moment before pulling me towards him and kissing me. I tried to resist the gesture, for a moment I thought about Connor, I didn't want to betray him, even with his death, I felt that it wasn't right, I tried to push him away, but William was strong and he remained insistent, so I ended up giving in. We kissed.

William caressed my body with the same lust he carried in his gaze. His caresses became more and more intense and he started to take my pants off. I just let it all happen, and that's when the man climbed on top of me, forcing me to change position.

I widened my eyes as I noticed his intentions at that moment.

"William... no..." I muttered, shakily.

He looked at me in an almost sweet way and spoke.

"Hey, don't worry, my little bunny" He placed a few kisses on my neck and continued "I know you'll like it, just give me a chance to show you that I can still make you happy." The businessman's voice had gained a new tone, it seemed to mess with my head like never before, he was so calm and controlled that he could convince me of anything. So I nodded, giving William permission.

The man then forced his member into me, I suppressed a groan, knowing that Mike could easily hear us from his room.

We had sex for a long time, and then we fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up that morning smelling really good food, got up curiously, put on my robe, put on my slippers and walked to the kitchen. Arriving there I found William. The man was at the stove, his back to me. I could hear the sound of the frying pan and the room was filled with the smell of frying which whetted my appetite. Before approaching William, I noticed that the table was carefully set with three empty plates at each end of the table, two mugs and a glass, there was still a steaming pot of coffee and a small pitcher of juice, some toast piled on a plate and some fried eggs on another plate.

"William?" I muttered.

The man turned his face towards me and smiled.

"Good morning, my sleeping little bunny."

I let out a sigh and ran a hand through my hair.

"We shouldn't have done that, William..."

At that moment Mike ran into the kitchen, he was already ready for school. The boy threw his backpack into a corner of the kitchen and spoke.

"Good morning, (Y/n), good morning, father... that smells good." The teenager took his place at the table and was getting his food by himself.

William smiled at his son and commented.

"Looks like someone woke up hungry."

Michael nodded with half a piece of toast in his mouth.

"Well, in that case I think we can get our breakfast too, right, (Y/n)?" The man touched my shoulder, I just shook my head and sat down. Mike noticed my reaction but didn't care. Of course, he had no idea what had happened while he slept.

The boy ate the rest of his food quickly, said goodbye to both of us, grabbed his backpack and hurried out.

As soon as the apartment door closed, I looked at William and said.

"That should never have happened... Where was I thinking about accepting that?" He in turn just watched me in silence. "Connor just died a short time ago..."

William agreed.

"Yes, he died, but you are still alive and you have the right to do whatever you want, whenever you want." His voice sounded cold.

I frowned in disbelief. William had used my sadness to take advantage of me.

"William, finish eating and leave my house. This will be the last time I say so don't look for me anymore." I left the room, leaving my dishes untouched.

I went to my room and locked myself there, sat on the floor and hugged my legs, I was disgusted with my bed.

I started thinking about Connor, we were together for a very short time and we had never slept together or had sex, in fact William was the first man I had ever done this with and I felt a huge regret, after all he was a murderer.

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