☠ TBOTE Prologue ☠

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Quick A/N: Hi! Welcome to TBOTE :) just some quick things:
1. This story is OLD. I don't write like this anymore and reading it makes me embarrassed, I know people that enjoy it and you reading this might enjoy it, so I keep it up for them :).


It all started out as a normal day..I was at home with my parents and my adopted sister Mikasa. The world was struggling..things were so out of hand. Wars, diseases...everywhere.

Until one day..everything just ended. I was only ten years old. A deadly virus had made it's way to us humans and infected. Dead were coming back to life and eating the living. There's only so much a ten year old boy can take..and this wasn't on the list.

My father was a doctor and my mother was a stay at home mom. Mikasa and I had just returned from a long day of school.

My mom was doing dishes as she cooked dinner and Mikasa and I were sitting at the table doing homework. My dad had walked in looking stressed. It looked like he was holding something back...

"I have to go on a trip." He announced as I started setting the table, giving my mom a hand.

"Another one?" My mom frowned. "That's the fourth one this month."

"There's a disease..we need to find a cure before it spreads." My father tried to explain himself.

"You're never here..." I mumbled and looked at my father.

A small argument had occurred and we were all silenced by the sound of the TV blaring a siren. You know the TV alerts that you'd see when they were just testing it? That. We thought it was a required monthly test, we thought that it'd beep it's long scary beep and then disappear.

We were wrong.

A voice shouted as bloodcurdling screams could be heard in the background.

"We are in a state of emergency, everyone please stay indoors and hide until given further instructions. Do not go out or open the door for ANYBODY! May you all be safe, good luc- wait..h-how did you get in here! GET AWAY! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" A gunshot could be heard and the TV turned to static.

"We need to go..we need to go now! Go pack an extra change of clothes and one valuable." My dad yelled and we quickly scattered. I ran to my room and packed. I had no valuables.

I was terrified, I had no idea of what to expect of the world.

We met downstairs and quickly left. We ran out to go to the car and the car was gone. The street was in a panic. People were running, being chased..people were on the ground dead.

"We need to run! Someone stole the car!" My dad yelled and we ran with him through the street. My dad led, Mikasa and I followed, and my mom was behind us.

We heard a scream and it pained me to turn around. We all turned and saw my mom..one of those infected monsters came up from behind and bit her neck.

He was feeding on her as she was alive.

"RUN! GO!"
She yelled to us. I tried to run to save her..but my dad quickly grabbed me and pulled me away.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU'RE LEAVING YOUR WIFE BEHIND!" I screamed at my dad as tears streamed down my face.

The last time I talked to my mom was when we were all arguing before dinner...I regretted that so much.

"We'll be safe at the medical facility." We continued to run until we found a car.

We made our way to the facility.


Life at the facility was boring, but at least we were being fed.

We were being trained to fight the infected. There were times that were blurry for me. I couldn't remember a thing..

Only sudden images of a needle in my arm. I'd be screaming and crying. I thought it was just a bad dream, but as days went by my arm started turning purple..right where the needle went in my 'nightmares'. My dad was using vaccines on me. He was using me as one of his experiments. I was so angry, he was using his only son..to find a cure.

I dealt with it until one day..Mikasa, my friend Armin and I ran away. I was now fifteen and thought we could take on the world. We stole rations and weapons and fled that night.

During the escape we were attacked by a horde. Mikasa and Armin made it out okay, but I got bit seven times.

I made them tie me up until I turned. Days went by and I didn't turn.

I told them about the experiments and they believed I was the last hope.

They wanted to take me back but I refused. I didn't want to see the man that was using his own son as an experiment.

They untied me and we left. We tried to find someone...anyone that could use my blood to make the antidote.

I thought all was lost until we stumbled upon another group.

A group of adults,
Levi, Erwin, Hanji, Petra, Eld, Oluo, and Gunther.

Levi Ackerman stood out to me the most..he seemed like the leader, but he wasn't.

Erwin was, Levi was second in command.

We stumbled upon their camp and they were ready to kill us...

End of prologue-

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