TBOTE 83 ☠

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"Sorry." Eren mumbled and looked down. "I'll just take the test and get this over with."

Levi squeezed Eren's hand slightly. "Alright. Go do it."

Eren stood up and let go of Levi's hand. He slowly walked over to the bathroom, he left the bathroom door open and picked up the pregnancy test.

He took the test right in front of Levi's watching eyes and walked out of the bathroom.

"Here." Eren set the test down on the bedside table. "The box said it would take ten minutes for it to fully show whether I'm pregnant or not."


Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Marco and Yakura all formed a circle around the twins as they had what Armin would call, 'tummy time'.

The twins were set on a blanket on the ground on their stomachs for a few minutes at a time during the day to strength them up.

"Do you guys finally think Eren is going to take the test?" Jean asked, his gaze still glued to the twins.

"Yeah." Mikasa answered, "It's about time. The more Eren pushes it away the more irritated Levi gets. That could hurt their relationship."

Yukara nodded in agreement and smiled.

Ryder started getting fussy and was instantly picked up by Marco. "Aw, the little guy is getting upset. I think he's hungry."

"Damn, since when are you so motherly?" Jean asked and watched Marco rock Ryder as he calmed.

Mikasa started making a bottle in the mean time, listening in to the conversation.

"I just am. I'd like to have kids one day. Well..when the infected are gone." Marco mumbled and stood up, walking over to Mikasa with Ryder.

"Sorry dear, but that's probably in another lifetime. The infected will never go away." Jean said go Marco, making the freckled teen frown.

"Negative asshole." Marco whispered, getting a small laugh out of Mikasa, something she rarely ever did.

"Well Eren and Levi finally get a night alone together." Armin said, trying to change the conversation because of how tense it felt. He could feel the tension between Marco and Jean.

"Yeah, I bet they're fast asleep right now. Taking care of twins must be stressful and tiring." Jean chuckled. "Seeing them, and having to take care of these twins sometimes makes me realize how much of a shitty father I'd be."

Marco listened to Jean and raised an eyebrow.

Marco and Jean talked and argued about things in life that couples talked about. They weren't a couple.

It was obvious they were compatible with each other from everyone else's point of view, but to them they thought it would start problems.

Mikasa handed Marco the bottle.

Marco started feeding Ryder as Mikasa spoke. "Well we all thought Levi was going to be a horrible father but he honestly isn't that bad. Don't tell him I said that." She mumbled.

"We won't." Everyone but Mikasa chimed out softly.

"So..anything new?" Armin asked the other group members. He knew that there was nothing new, they all saw each other everyday. He asked anyways.

"Nope." Jean answered, moving to sit next to Marco. Ryder was just about finished with his bottle.

Kari watched as she rolled slowly. She giggled quietly and babbling.

"You're ready for food next, little girl." Armin smiled at the small baby girl.

Kari kicked around excitedly and babbled loudly. She stared at Armin.

Yukara smiled and watched Armin. "You guys are really good with them." She said quietly, a bit hesitant to hold the twins herself.

"Well when we look at these twins we see Eren and Levi. They're both familiar and comfortable with us and that's how we are back with them, especially with their kids." Armin mumbled as he picked Kari up.

Yukara watched as Mikasa made a bottle for Kari, handing it to Armin.

Armin started feeding Kari. "Things feel so safe here."

"That's what we thought at Aki's community Armin." Mikasa mumbled. "That was far from safe. We were better off on the streets with the infected."

"Yeah..I still have nightmares of being kept in his basement." Armin whispered as he quickly looked down. The thought still have him shivers up his spine. "And Eren treated me horribly."

"You're still friends with him?" Jean asked, tilting his head to the side. "Even after all of that?"

"Yeah. Things are just rough. We were together-- well to me we were, but we're alright somewhat." Armin mumbled.

"That's not alright." Jean mumbled.

"It's not like that anymore though." Armin frowned and looked down at Ryder.


A/N: SORRY. I'm a failure of humanity XD

But I finally updated!

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