TBOTE 42 ☠

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(I honestly don't know what happened with this chapter I was delirious. I had watched EVERY anime under the yaoi tag on kiss anime for the last few days XD)


Eren leaned against the gate as tears ran down his face. He wiped them and looked down. "He's gone again. Forever."

Mikasa and Armin watched Eren.

"He didn't even get to see what the twins would look like." He whimpered to himself and sunk down to sit.

Armin kneeled next to Eren and put a hand on his shoulder. "Eren maybe this happened for a reason."

Eren glared at Armin. "And what's that reason?! Trying to make me even more upset?" He hissed at Armin before standing. "Don't talk to me. You're not helping." He mumbled, really upset, and his pregnancy hormones kicking in.

Mikasa tried to talk. "Eren."

"Just all of you leave me alone. Don't talk to me." Eren walked off and into the hospital.

Eren found himself stuck again. He didn't know what to do.

If Eren wasn't pregnant and about to pop he would be searching for Levi and would drag his sorry ass back into camp, but he couldn't when he was carrying around twins in his stomach.

Eren felt it sounded weird, but he couldn't help but hope that the twins looked like Levi, or at least resembled him.

The little boy and girl he was about to have were his only connection left to Levi.

"Eren!" Hanji ran into the room with her walkie talkie.

"I thought I said I didn't want anyone to talk to me." Eren mumbled, pouting like a child.

"Levi took his walkie talkie."

Eren held his hands out as Hanji tossed him her walkie talkie. "He may not be far. The signal may work between them."

He turned the walkie talkie on to head static. "Damn." He started turning the knob until it was clear.

Eren pressed the botton. "Levi? Levi are you there?"

"Who's Levi?" A deep voice could be heard through the walkie talkie. "This little guy we found?"

Eren's eyes widened. "Who is this?! Where's Levi?!"

"Ooo are you the owner of those sonograms we found in his bag? Are you a guy?" The voice chuckled.

"I will find you and if I wasn't about to give birth to twins, I would kill you." Eren groaned.

"So scary." The voice teased Eren, chuckling could be heard in the background.

"Listen asshole, I've been through hell and back with that 'little man'. I'm only fifteen! He's cheated on me numerous times and now has run away. Where are you?"

The voice chuckled. "Somewhere in the woods, and damn, why would you stay with him then?"

"Long story." Eren grumbled, surprised the voice was responding so normally. "Can you tell me where you are? Take whatever you want, just leave Levi alone. Please."

"Can't do that. He's already seen us. He was the guard that saw us first in the forest yesterday."

"You..you guys are the intruders?"

"We didn't intrude anywhere. We were around the perimeter."

Eren motioned to Hanji to come closer. He grabbed a pen from his desk and wrote down: "Levi is in the woods somewhere. Probably not too far from here. I'll try to keep this guy distracted. Go find him."

Hanji nodded and quickly ran from the room to get other guards and head out.

"Are you alone?" Eren asked curiously.

"Nope, have a whole crew of members. They're just itchin' to have a go at the little man. Too bad he's knocked out."

Eren made a disgusted face and rolled his eyes. "Don't you dare."

"Ey, not everyone swings that way. Well, these days most do.." The voice mumbled.

"What do you and your group want?" Eren asked and sat down.

"Your camp; the hospital. Your people. You."

"Why us?"

(I'm writing this at 3 am..I know I'm failing but I have the sudden motivation to write ;-; XD I tried falling asleep again and woke up at 4. I'm dying over here ;-;)

"You all have it too peaceful. Everyone else out here are struggling."

"But why attack us? We take in other survivors." Eren mumbled. His words were a lie, Grisha hated bringing in new people afraid they'd betray and try to take over the hospital.

"No you don't. We've tried getting in. Some man always rejects us and says they're full. We saw another group going in. Does he pick favorites or something?" The voice grumbled.

"Uh..no..that's kind of a long story. I was held at gun point so my father agreed to let them come in."

As Eren distracted the voice Hanji was able to gather a small group of guards. They started searching the forest.

"Can I ask why you're attacking Levi?"

"We saw him jump the fence, walk over to a tree and then fall asleep. He would have been infected food. Hey wait..I hear voices. Are your people coming?"

"What? No..They're all guarding the gates." Eren lied and clenched his fists. Get Levi back.


It's question time~ :3

@LeslieIsABunny asked- "Eren, Are you excited to see two grumpy little children running around calling everyone 'brats'?"

Eren nodded quickly and smiled. "Yeah! I realllly can't wait. I honestly hope that the twins come out a lot like Levi. It'd be like having mini versions of him. It sucks that they'll be born any day now and he's not even here."


Thank you for your question! :3


A/N: My author's notes have been so boring. I doubt anyone reads this anyways, but heyo why not? I always look back at my author's notes from my old story 'Kidnapped' and wanna throw a brick at my face. I was such a weird 12-13 year old. Agh, it feels good to be 15 (writing this on 8/21/15 for any future readers that read this like two years from now) XD. Soooo if you enjoyed this chapter please vote and comment, it would motivate me to write even more! Thank you for the steady comments and votes too! I get so excited when you guys vote and comment, especially when I just update! Okay, now I'm rambling ;-;. oops AND AGH my goal for this story by September 15th is to have 3.5k reads! :3

Thanks again!



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