TBOTE 55 ☠

1.8K 135 76

A/N: So this story has 55/56 chapters. I'm honestly wondering how I was able to do that, and yes. I just realized the story has almost 5k too and almost 900 votes *makes whale noises*


"I see a store up ahead." Levi called out as he looked over at Eren. The boy held the twins close to his chest, cooing softly to them as they napped.

Eren looked at Levi and nodded. "Alright. Let's go then. They may have food in there too."

The group slowly walked into the small store and looked around.

"Coast seems clear." Jean said as he scanned the isles.

Levi and Eren walked into the baby section and cruised down the adults section for just a moment.

As Eren walked by like nothing Levi stopped him. "Hold on. I need to get some things." He quickly walked over to the condoms. He grabbed the whole shelf of them and stuffed them in his bag.

Eren glared at him and rolled his eyes. "Seriously?"

"What? I'm just being prepared." Levi mumbled and walked into the baby section with Eren following close behind.

They found one random pack on the ground with two pacifiers. "Looks like people came here for pacifiers."

"I'm surprised the whole stock of condoms was there." Levi mumbled and chuckled. "Do you think they have more in the back?"

"Levi, the two hundred you have should be enough. I don't think you know how many times you'll be getting lucky. It definitely won't be two hundred times for a while."
Eren said under his breath as he opened the package and gently put a pacifier in each baby's mouth.

Eren smiled at the calmed look on their faces. "Let's go."

When the group all met up at the front Jean groaned. "Damn Levi you took all of the condoms."

Everyone gave Jean a questioning look, especially Marco. "Why would you need those?" Marco asked.

"Hey you never know." Jean shrugged and walked out of the store nonchalantly.

Eren raised an eyebrow and looked at Marco, grinning. He made a circle with him thumb and pointer finger on his right hand and moved his index finger from his left hand into it slowly as he laughed. "So, you and Jean huh?" He managed to do all of that while balancing twins in his arms.

Marco blushed and shook his head. "No." He mumbled. "Not at all."

"Aw boring." Eren pouted and walked out of the store, following Jean.

"Can someone else hold the twins now, they're getting heavy." Eren whined and watched as Hanji and Erwin took the twins.

"Thank you." Eren smiled and immediately clung to Levi, kissing his cheek.

(This chapter is kind of a filler for something I'm planning cx so sorry it's boring)

"We should find a place to hang out for the afternoon and night." Mikasa said as she dragged Armin behind her, holding his wrist tightly.

"Sounds good." Eren mumbled as he walked with his arms around Levi's waist, hugging the man from behind.

"Walking this way is hard Eren." Levi grumbled and sighed.

"But I like it." Eren whined and pouted lightly.

"Well it's uncomfortable."

"You know what we need?" Hanji blurted out, stopping the little fight Eren and Levi hadn't even started yet.

"What Hanji?" Levi and Eren both said as they watched Hanji rock Kari.

"A new place to call home."

"That's what we're doing right now idiot." Levi mumbled and tried to take Kari from Hanji.

Hanji shoved Levi away and rolled her eyes. "Oh please, I meant something like a society. With other people. A safe place twins could be raised."

"Sounds good. But we'd have to look for that." Erwin said as he watched Ryder look up at him with a scared look. He was terrified of the big man that was holding him.

"That could take so long. It's not everyday you see a whole civilization. The one of the hospital is gone and that was a pretty safe place. Imagine another place." Eren sighed quietly. "I wonder where my dad went."

"Don't even talk about that ass." Levi grumbled.

Eren glared at Levi. "He's still my father."

"A horrible one." Levi hissed.

"Well I know another horrible father, but you don't see me complaining." Eren sighed.

Everyone turned and looked at Eren.

"Damn, the shade." Jean laughed and walked with his arms crossed.

"Kinda harsh Eren." Marco said softly as he nudged Jean lightly. The two exchanged a glance before laughing.

"What?" Eren pouted more, feeling left out on some inside joke.

"Nothing." The two quickly stopped laughing and walked ahead.

Eren crossed his arms. "Idiots."

Hanji rolled her eyes and tried to talk louder to block out Eren's childishness. "We need to look for a place. Any place there is."

Levi took Kari from Hanji so she could make her dramatic hand gestures without dropping the small baby girl.

"Think about it. There's probably one close."

"Really close." Mikasa said as she picked up a piece of paper from the ground.

"What?" Hanji looked at Mikasa and raised an eyebrow.

"A paper with directions."

(They just need to get to the place already cx things will get better)

"To where?"

"A civilization." Mikasa said and handed Hanji the paper.

Hanji read it and smiled. "Yahoooo! I think we just found ourselves a home."

"I don't trust it. I'm not going, Eren's not going and the twins most definitely aren't going." Levi grumbled.

"Oh come on Levi. If it makes you trust it we'll go on ahead." Hanji smiled. "You and Eren can stay behind with the twins. We'll come back for you guys if the coast is clear and safe."

"Fine, but at least find a safe place for us to wait in the meantime." Levi said under his breath as he walked.

"We can find a small house or something somewhere close to the area. This seems like it'll take a few hours though so we may have to walk through the night." Hanji said as she looked over at the sunset.

"That's too dangerous." Eren butted in and crossed his arms.

"Not if we're all together." Hanji grabbed a stick and started drawing in the dirt. She drew two stick figures holding two babies. She emphasized the height different between the Levi and Eren stick figures and giggled. And then drew six stick figures surrounding Levi and Eren. "Like adult elephants in the wild with their babies. We'll keep Eren, Levi and the twins in the center and the four of us, Mikasa, Erwin, Armin, Jean, Marco and myself will guard."

Levi raised an eyebrow. "Is that seriously your plan?"

Hanji nodded. "And it's all I've got so let's get moving." She walked away confidently with her arms crossed.


A/N; Woo, updated again! So what do you think will happen if they go to this civilization with others? Do you think they'll get along with other people?

Please vote and comment if you enjoyed! Thank you~


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