TBOTE 44 ☠

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"They're at the gate! Try to evacuate everyone from the back!" Hanji yelled into the walkie talkie as she got her gun out, leaning against a tree.

Armin spoke into the walkie talkie. "We can't do that. Mr. Jaeger and the doctor are gone. Eren is ready to give birth. What do we do?!" He said in a panicked voice.

"I'm not sure..you guys may have to do the c-section yourselves. Eren can't stay like that, the pain only gets worse." Hanji said quietly into the walkie talkie. "It's your only choice."

"We can wait!" Mikasa said nervously.

Eren shook his head. "It hurts, please just do it!"

Armin and Mikasa panicked as they watched Eren wince. "Fine, I'll do it myself then."

The boy leaned over and tried to grab a knife from the bedside table. He held it tightly and lifted his shirt slowly, revealing his stomach.

"Eren..don't." Mikasa tried to run and grab the knife from him but by the time she reached the bed Eren had already plunged the knife deep into his lower stomach.

He cried out in pain. "I read some books on this in the medical library. I think I'm doing it right." He brought the knife along slowly as blood started pouring out of the wound stretching across his lower stomach.

"The second I cut through enough layers of tissue you need to take them out. Don't worry about me." Eren said as he started to feel light headed.

The sight of blood just pouring out made him dizzy and weak. His hands shook as he dropped the knife, it landing on the pearly white hospital floor with a clang.

Mikasa wasted no time and rushed closer. Through the long, sliced wound she opened it slightly.

Eren screamed in pain but urged Mikasa to go on.

Mikasa hesitated but reached in to feel a baby. In one quick motion she pulled the baby out carefully. "Boy." She whispered as she had Armin snip the umbilical cord.

The baby wailed loudly as Mikasa tried to calm him down. Her hands were stained red with blood.

"Take him! Make sure he's alright!" Mikasa yelled to Armin, handing him the tiny new born.

Armin nodded and put the baby on one of the nursery beds. His hands shook from nerves as he started cleaning the baby up.

Mikasa pulled the baby girl out carefully and rocked her as she cried.

Eren was well past in unconscious. The bleeding was too heavy.

Once Mikasa and Armin managed to get the twins cleaned and in the baby nursery beds they looked down at Eren.

"Do you know how to do stitches?!" Armin asked as he looked around.

"How would I know?!" Mikasa yelled and grabbed the walkie talkie.

"Eren did it himself without anything! He passed out and is bleeding out. The twins are fine." Mikasa said into the walkie talkie. "We need you here Hanji. How do you do stitches?"

Hanji responded quietly. "I'll be there in a second. The men are trying to break the front gate, I'll try to sneak in through the back. Please just get towels and press them to the open wound. I'll rush."

Mikasa and Armin scrambled around the room as they searched for extra towels. They eventually found them and pressed them to the wound, trying to slow the bleeding at least a tiny bit.


Hanji watched behind a tree as she had her gun positioned, ready to shoot.

"Jean, I need to get to Eren. Take care of this." Hanji whispered and pulled Levi with her.

The two snuck through the woods to the back of the hospital.

The coast was surprisingly clear for them as they broke the back gate, that was usually guarded, and ran inside.

Levi led as Hanji ran close behind to the nursery.

They both bursted through the door, Hanji instantly grabbed the things she needed for stitches.

Levi looked down at Eren and rested his hand on his as he watched him closely. He saw he was out cold and turned to look at the twins.

The two small babies were fussy and squirming in their small nursery beds. "Did anyone think about getting baby formula?" Levi asked as he looked down at the little boy and girl.

Mikasa nodded and opened a drawer. "Eren never told you, but whenever Armin and I would go out for loot we'd bring back any baby stuff we could find."

She pulled out two bottles, baby formula, and clean water. "We had to be prepared for this."

Two onesies, a blue and a pink, were also taken out by Mikasa. "Dress them."

"What? Nooo. I don't know how to dress a baby." Levi took the small onesies and caught the diapers Mikasa threw at him.

"You have to do it. You're the father. You should be the one to take care of them the most while Eren is like this." Mikasa said and crossed her arms.

Levi nodded and groaned quietly. He started putting a diaper on the baby boy first. The boy cried loudly, which irritated Levi.

"Shh. You'll have food soon." Levi grumbled as he dressed the baby and put him back down.

He did the same with the girl before having Mikasa make the bottles.

Levi started feeding the baby girl as he looked at Armin. "Oi, blondie. Feed the no name boy." He mumbled and handed him the other bottle.

Armin looked a bit surprised but took the bottle and picked the baby boy up slowly.

Levi watched as the baby girl's eyes started to slowly close. He pulled the bottle from her mouth and lied her down.

He leaned over and watched Armin feed the boy. "I wonder what Eren wants to name these two." He said quietly as he studied the baby closely.

"Damn, this kid was just born and I can see he looks like Eren." Levi said quietly as he took the baby from Armin once he was done drinking his bottle.


@LeslieIsABunny asked: "Hm. Armin, how do you feel about Eren having Levi's children? And would you rather Levi be there to help raise them, or not be there?"

Armin sighed softly. "I feel bad about Eren having Levi's kids. Eren has had so much to go through because of Levi and I feel like he will always go back to him because the twins are a connection. I understand Levi is the father of the twins, but I don't like the fact that he actually left. It shows he isn't really interested in what happens to Eren or the twins. So I know Eren would be upset with my answer, but no. I'd rather have Levi not around. If he wants to leave he should just stop sticking around and actually leave."


@autumnrain8 asked: "Levi do you think Eren will take you back after you left him at the verge of giving birth???"

Levi frowned lightly. "I hope he does. What I did is now one of the many stupid things I've done in the past few months. I want to be there to help out with the twins as much as possible now. I can't run from my problems anymore, not when I have Eren counting on me now as a father."


A/N: SO THE BABIES ARE BORN AGHHH! I was extra motivated for this chapter because 1) YOU GUYS LEFT QUESTIONS FOR THE Q&A~ and 2) my nephew that's not even 2 months yet came over and oh my, he was the cutest child ever.

Thank you for reading, I'm taking the name suggestions to mind- thank you for your suggestions! :3

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