TBOTE 121 ☠

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"Alright. So I've called everyone here to discuss what we'll do about this illness." Levi said as he walked down the aisle of chairs.

All of the healthy people (which were few) were all seated on one side while the healthy people that were exposed to the illness (Grisha, Armin and the doctors) sat in the middle. All of the ill took up the other side of the seats.

Eren sat in the front row of the ill section bouncing Kari on his lap. She stared at Ryder on the other side of the room. Ryder was in Mikasa's arms and was reaching out to Kari and waving.

"Get on with it. I'm tired." Eren mumbled.

Levi shot Eren a glare. "I heard that many have died from the illness already. Grisha, is that true?" He turned to look at the man.

Grisha nodded. "Yes."

Levi sighed. "Who?"

"Just random citizens here." Grisha sighed. "They weren't well known."

"Where are their bodies?" Levi crossed his arms.

"Disposed." Grisha grumbled. "Is there a point to your questions?"

"Yes. I believe you have been telling the very ill to take their own lives." Levi heard many start talking.

The room was filled with loud murmuring.

"That's nonsense." Grisha looked over at Eren, narrowing his eyes.

Eren quickly looked down and bit his lip.

"Oh? Nonsense?" Levi pulled a gun out of his pocket and threw it into Grisha's lap. "You gave this gun to Eren. You told him to end it right? Because he was going to die from the illness."

The murmuring in the room got louder.

"Quiet!" Levi said loudly, not taking his gaze from Grisha's.

"We're all going to die from this illness if the sick don't go." Grisha mumbled.

"You shouldn't tell people they're going to die and suggest they kill themselves." Levi looked over at Eren before looking back at Grisha. "How do you know Eren won't get better?"

"He's coughing up blood, has a fever I can't bring down and so much more. What do you think?" Grisha said loudly.

The rest of the murmuring stopped as they looked at Eren.

"I didn't know Eren was that sick." Mikasa mumbled, bouncing Ryder on her lap.

"Miki!" Ryder giggled quietly.

Kari watched with a pout on her face. She wanted to play with her brother but she couldn't, she was still sick.

Levi sighed. "I know there are things you can do. Anything. At least try."

"I'm not wasting anything on him. He's going to die." Grisha grumbled.

"But he's your kid! If Kari or Ryder were in Eren's position I would be doing anything to treat them." Levi spoke quickly, not thinking about his words.

The twins changed him a bit.

"Enough. I will not sit here and listen to this nonsense. I'm doing what I have to do to make sure the healthy stay healthy." Grisha stood up.

"Well, it's not working. Many fall ill daily, and you know that. What you're doing isn't working." Levi grumbled, narrowing his eyes. "Now go. It's clear you want to be lazy and get rid of this illness by killing off instead of treating them." Levi hissed in annoyance.

Grisha ignored Levi and walked away to his lab.

Many Doctors stood up and followed.

Eren stood up and walked over to Levi in front of the crowd. "Levi."

"Don't." Levi looked at Eren. "Don't say a thing. If you defend your father we're going to have a large problem."

Eren then got quiet and looked down. "I'll go to my room." He walked away with Kari.

Armin walked up to Levi. "I saw Eren stuff the gun in his pants. I would've told you if I knew what he was planning."

Levi sighed. "Eren is sick and is in his bed most of the time. Why would he need a gun?"

"Uh...well. I didn't know! Eren liked to go shoot infected from the roof. I thought he was going to do that." Armin pouted.

"You still should've at least ran it by me." Levi mumbled and looked over to see Jesse watching them.

Jesse had been distancing himself from Levi ever since he found out that the man killed Aki, Jesse's cousin.

Levi, however, didn't know that Aki and Jesse were related.

Eren had been keeping it a secret and he was so so close to giving in and telling.

Levi would be so angry if he found out without Eren telling, but Jesse has blackmail.

Jesse could say anything to anger Levi so he wouldn't believe or be too mad at Eren to focus on the fact that Jesse and Aki were related.

Eren was sick, pregnant and was having the worst anxiety at the thought of telling Levi-- or anymore in general.

Jesse is one hundred times better compared to Aki, but it still felt like another Aki was present.

It scared Eren sometimes.

Aki and Jesse had things in common. They laughed the same, talked the same.. The teen was surprised no one else could tell.

Eren thought of something.

How would Armin react to the news?



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