TBOTE 58 ☠

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"I can give you a tour around if you'd like." Aki smiled.

"Oh sure. That sounds great." Eren smiled back and looked down at the twins. "They need to nap. Levi, can you watch them while we go?"

Levi sighed and raised an eyebrow. "Fine." He grumbled.

Eren leaned over and pecked Levi's cheek. "Thanks. I'll be back." He walked out of the room with Aki and through the living room. Armin had fallen asleep on the couch with Mikasa. Hanji and Erwin were still arguing while Jean and Marco explored around the house.

Everyone was occupied doing something else.

Eren just shrugged and walked out with Aki.

The two walked alongside each other. Aki was five inches taller then Eren, he looked down at the boy. "How old are you?" Aki asked curiously.

"I'm fifteen or sixteen. I can never tell anymore since we never know what day it is." Eren said with a smile. "What about you?"

"I'm around 18 or 19." Aki said and grinned.

"Oh." Eren tilted his head to the side. "How long have you been in this community?"

"Since the outbreak. This is the street I lived on so all we did was get a fence around it. All of my neighbors that stayed with us live in their old houses. The ones that died or left have their houses given to new community members." Aki said as he walked, guiding Eren around the small community.

"So you've never been outside of these walls?" (Sounds so familiar ;) )

"No. It feels like I'm trapped in a cage sometimes but at least I'm safe from the infected." Aki said with a sad smile.

Eren patted his shoulder lightly. "I wish I was in a place like this since the beginning of the outbreak."

"What was your situation?" Aki asked.

"Well I was only ten. My mom died on the very first day so my dad took me and my adopted sister into a hospital he worked at, he was a doctor." Eren didn't get into detail about Grisha. "Once I was fifteen I left the hospital-- well more like escaped with Mikasa and Armin. My father was using me as a lab experiment and I was sick of it. We met Levi's group and Levi and I got together. I got pregnant and some of my friends from the hospital found us and kidnapped us back. So in the end Levi's group came and stayed at the hospital too. It was overrun by bandits as I was giving birth so we had to flee shortly after." (That was basically a summary cx)

"Wow. You've been through a lot." Aki nudged shoulders with Eren as they walked.

"Yeah, and I didn't even mention the cheating my boyfriend had done." Eren laughed quietly, over it already.

"Damn that sucks." Aki bit his lip. "It was that Levi guy?"

Eren nodded. "But things are fine between us again. We're safe now and have a place for our twins to grow up safely. Who knows, maybe there will be more kids in our future." He smiled and looked down.

Aki raised an eyebrow and turned to face Eren. "Was being pregnant hard?"

"Yes." Eren mumbled. "Especially at fifteen."

Aki chuckled and started walking again. "Oh I see. Your twins are adorable though. It's been so lost since I've seen babies."

Eren smiled. "A lot say that. The whole pregnancy wasn't planned. It just happened. Levi and I had to sneak around just to see each other."

"Sneak around?"

"Nobody wanted us together. I guess it's different now." Eren looked around seeing other community members wave to Aki as he walked by.

"Want to see something that no one else has seen?" Aki asked and smiled.

Eren nodded. "Sure."

"You can't tell anyone alright?" Aki led Eren away towards a bundle of trees in the corner of the fence.

"It's dark in here." Eren laughed as the sun was almost set. The little bit of sun that was left was covered by trees.

"My dad made me this at the beginning of the outbreak. He said if the fences were ever breached I was to run here and hide." Aki leaned over to a tree trunk and opened a small door. The inside of the tree was hollow and had a ladder going up.

"Whoa. This is like every kid's dream." Eren laughed quietly and stepped into the trunk, climbing the ladder.

"Yeah, I was around your age when the virus broke out." Aki followed him up and closed the small tree door behind them.

The ladder led up to the branches of the very large tree. It was some type of small treehouse that had chairs, a few candles lit and if he looked up he could see the stars starting to show through the small glass roof in the center.

"This is so cool." Eren smiled.

"Only my dad and I knew about this place. Now you know too." Aki sat down and Eren joined him.

"If you ever need alone time or want to talk you're free to come here whenever you want. Please don't tell anyone though." Aki smiled.

Eren nodded and smiled widely. "Alright. Thank you. This is really cool."

"Yeah." Aki lightly rested a hand on Eren's thigh.

Eren raised an eyebrow and bit his lip. He didn't know what Aki was doing. He knew he was with Levi.

"Are you happy with Levi?" Aki asked curiously, moving his hand up Eren's thigh.

"I'm very happy. So if you plan on just getting a quickie with me fuck off." Eren said annoyed and swatted his hand away. He stood up and quickly went down the ladder.

Aki looked surprised and tried to follow him. "Eren wait!"

Levi was walking down the road, he got Hanji and Erwin to stop fighting and watch the twins.

Eren came running with Aki close behind.

The boy saw Levi and sighed in relief. He hid behind him.

Levi crossed his arms with an intimidating look on his face. He glared at Aki. "What's going on?"

"Nothing." Aki answered, frowning. He walked away.


A/N: Don't forget about the Q&A! Please vote and comment if you enjoyed!

Thank you~


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