TBOTE 21 ☠

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Hours later Levi's eyes slowly opened. He looked up to see Eren sitting beside his bed.

He could help but smile very lightly at the sight of his boyfriend. He had his head leaning down rested on his hand as he held Levi's.

Eren, being the baby he was, fell asleep.

Levi looked over to see Hanji and chuckled. "How long has he been here?"

"Like three hours." Hanji laughed quietly. "So how are you feeling?"

Levi sat up and winced quietly. "Sore." He looked down at his chest and rested a hand on the bandage.

"Oi, Eren." He shook Eren very lightly and chuckled.

Eren slowly woke up and sat up quickly. "Levi!" He leaned in and hugged him lightly, watching for his bandage.

"It's so good to see you. I was soooo worried." Eren smiled.

"I really didn't think I'd get to see you." Levi sighed and leaned closer, he tilted Eren's chin up and kissed him. He didn't care that Hanji was watching and squealing. (Me everyday XD)

Levi pulled away a moment later and rested his hand on Eren's stomach, feeling the bump lightly. "So I talked to your dad." He mumbled.

Eren's smile faded and he rested his hand on Levi's that was on his stomach. "Yeah..he wanted me to terminate the pregnancy. He kept insisting." He sighed.

"He could never make you do that. That's your own choice, and I know how excited you are for this little baby." Levi looked into Eren's eyes and sat up more.

Eren nodded, his smile returning. "I hope it's a girl." He laughed lightly. "Having a little girl running around yelling for his daddies would be adorable."

Levi chuckled. "Hmm I hope she looks like you then."

Eren smiled and held Levi's hand, lacing their fingers together. "She needs to have a hint of Levi in there though." He giggled.

Levi rolled his eyes and nodded. "Alright, alright. The baby will be eighty percent Eren and twenty percent me."

Eren laughed and rolled his eyes. "I don't think that's how it works Levi." 

"Well in my mind that's how it works. Take it or leave it." Levi chuckled.

"Ugh you can be so complicated sometimes." Eren joked and pecked Levi's cheek.

"I don't think it's complicated." Levi chuckled more and sat up. "Can we get something to eat?" He asked as he felt his stomach growl.

Eren nodded and helped Levi up. "Can you walk?" He asked and raised an eyebrow.

"I was walking around when I had the bullet in me, I think I can walk around with it out of me."

"Alright." Eren let out a small giggle and held Levi by his side anyways.

They walked out with Hanji following close behind. "Where are the others?"

"Some are outside and some are back at the camp with Erwin." Levi mumbled as they walked into the cafeteria.

Eren led Levi over to a table that Mikasa and Armin sat at. Hanji sat with them and sighed. "It's been a long day."

Eren nodded and stayed close to Levi, afraid he'd be separated from him again.

Levi chuckled at Eren being so clingy and wrapped an arm around the boy.

Mikasa and Armin watched, still not used to the two being affectionate even though they'd been together for quite a while.

"It's good to see the love birds together again." Hanji teased and smiled.

Levi flipped Hanji off just as Grisha walked in.

Grisha looked surprised to see Levi out of his hospital bed. "I thought I said no interaction with Eren." He growled.

"Eren actually found me. I didn't go anywhere." Levi pecked Eren's cheek in front of Grisha and looked at him.

Grisha crossed his arms. "I still think this is a mistake." (Thank you for the bricks. *throws them at Grisha* ATTACKKKK!)

Eren already had enough with his father. "Enough! This is my life!" He yelled, standing up. "I've said this so many times. I want to be with Levi, I want to stay with him..I love him!"

Most of the people around watched with interest.

Grisha sighed. "Eren now is not the time for a large argument. We're in public."

Jean and the others turned from the table they were sitting at and watched.

"I'm so sick of you trying to get into my head! Trying to change my mind! I don't care who finds out about this..just let me make my own decisions..what do you not get about that?" Eren huffed as he sat back down. He was going to announce he was pregnant but knew that was a little to crazy to announce, especially in front of so many people.

Jazlyn walked out to Eren a moment later, a frown on her face. "Eren you're sad." Her lip quivered.

Eren's face softened as he pulled Jazlyn on his lap. "Shh I'm alright now. My dad and I just have some things going on."

Jazlyn nodded and looked at Levi. "Who are you?" She asked, pointing to the mysterious, short man in front of her.

"That's Levi. When I went on my uh..trip. I met him. He's my boyfriend." Eren smiled.

"But I'm still your favorite right?" Jaz asked and giggled.

Eren nodded. "Always."

Jaz turned to Levi and smiled. "Nice to meet you Mr.Levi. Please be nice and don't hurt Eren. He's my only friend." She said in a hushed tone.

Levi raised an eyebrow and rested his hand on Jaz's head lightly. "I'll keep him safe alright?" He chuckled.

Jaz nodded and smiled, attacking Levi in a hug. "Thank you~" She giggled.

Eren just watched the two and smiled. He kept his hand resting on his stomach. "Hey Levi?"

"Yes?" Levi was trying to pry a giggling Jaz off of himself.

"Since this hospital has power, and technology, do you think we could do an ultrasound?" He asked, smiling.

Levi nodded. "I don't see why not. It'd be interesting to see."

Eren smiled and stood up. "We can get it done in the nursery area of the hospital. I'm sure I can find some nice doctor that could do it without my dad's consent."

Levi groaned quietly. "Alright, but we shouldn't have to hide anything."

"But it's the only way.."


A/N: aWHHH kinda slow chapter XD I'll try to make things intense again :3 thank you for reading, don't forget to vote and comment! It means sooo much! :3 I got ma phone fixed~ so ma iPhone is backkkkk XD woooo haha anyways hopefully I'll see you all in the next chapter!


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