TBOTE 48 ☠

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Eren took the medication and felt slightly better.

Eren and Levi still hadn't said a word to each other.

Levi was annoyed and hated that Eren could easily say he could go have kids with someone else. Who?

Eren watched Levi from the corner of his eye and could see the annoyed expression on the man's face. He knew that sentence he said earlier hadn't left Levi's mind.

Eren actually wouldn't mind having a family with someone else. He hoped whoever he had kids with wouldn't be like Levi of course. Eren didn't want another liar and cheater of a boyfriend.

It wasn't with Armin. The relationship they had was pretty much dead.

Levi didn't want anymore kids and the twins were just born. Eren didn't really want anymore kids at the moment, so why did it bother him so much when Levi denied having more kids?

Was it just the thought of Levi rejecting Eren's words immediately-- or worse, rejecting any future kids?

Eren tried to tell himself Levi wasn't that type of man..that Levi would never abandon any kid. The man was already starting to get close to Kari. It showed he had some type of emotions behind that angry glare.

If only leaving someone you had kids with was easy.

Eren seemed to think about breaking up a lot. Well, weren't they broken up at the moment? It bothered Eren. He wanted to forget and just have Levi as an acquaintance, but his heart couldn't take that. He loved Levi and couldn't just not be with him, but so much happened in the past.

Armin sat next to Eren and watched him.

"Things always build up and then crumble down again." Eren whispered to himself and closed his eyes lightly.

Armin frowned at Eren's words and sighed. He rested a hand on Eren's shoulder. "Things will get better."

"I really hope it does because right now the twins are the only thing that are keeping me sane." Eren grumbled, upset.

Eren reached over and picked up Ryder and Kari. He kissed both of their heads once and smiled lightly at them. "My babies."

The twins were so young but Eren could already see they looked a lot like Levi. It was a combination between the two.

He'd have to raise mini Levis.

Levi watched Eren and wanted to talk to him, he really really did.

They were in the apocalypse-- a place where man was eating man and they were having relationship problems.

Relationship problems. In the apocalypse.

Hanji elbowed Levi and raised an eyebrow. "Geez Levi. Could you stare anymore?" She chuckled.

Levi rolled his eyes and lightly shoved Hanji off of the counter she was sitting on. "Shut up. I'm in deep thought."

"About what?"

"Is that even a question? Eren obviously."

Levi watched as Eren handed Armin Kari. She was squirming around, whining loudly. He watched and rolled his eyes.

He stood up and walked over to Armin. "I'll get her quiet." Levi said and held his arms out.

Armin gently handed Kari to Levi. She got quiet instantly.

"You're like the baby whisperer." Armin giggled quietly.

Levi chuckled lightly and held Kari to his chest. She curled up against him and yawned quietly.

Eren watched and couldn't help but think the sight was extremely adorable.

Armin looked over at Eren, who was rocking Ryder.

Eren smiled lightly and shrugged. He gently put Ryder down and stood up. "I'm gonna go pee." He mumbled.

"Thanks for the information." Jean rolled his eyes and sat besides Ryder. He watched the baby boy closely.

Eren chuckled lightly. "I've had to pee for ages now." He said to Jean with a light smirk on his face.

Jean chuckled. "Oh? If it's been ages I'm sure you need a hand. I'd be happy to help." He grinned, just messing around.

Eren snorted and watched as Marco elbowed Jean in the ribs. "In your perverted dreams." He laughed and walked over to the bathroom.

Jean looked at Marco. "What?"

"That was funny, but too far." Marco pointed to Levi, who was facing another direction. "He gave you the worst death glare. I'd sleep with one eye open if I were you." Marco whispered, chuckling lightly a moment later. "Not even that baby makes Levi look like a softy."




@LeslieIsABunny asked- "Armin and Mikasa, would the two of you be willing to date if Eren and Levi do get together again?"

Armin and Mikasa both shrugged. "Maybe we would." Armin answered first and looked at Mikasa. Mikasa looked at Armin, "Speak for yourself blondie."


@pandatowrites asked- "Levi what would you do if Eren wants to raise the twins with Armin's help? Would you be okay with that or would you say Armin that he shouldn't care about the babies?"

Levi nodded. "I would have a problem with it. By the look of it Armin and Eren aren't together anymore so I doubt Armin would be the other 'father image' or whatever. Armin could care for the babies though, that isn't a problem. Eren and Armin are best friends, he's going to want to care."


@book_binder asked- "For Mr. Jaeger: WTF?! Why do you torment Eren? Do you hate your son that much?"

Grisha rolled his eyes. "The hospital was not safe anymore. I knew Eren could get by alone."


"For Mrs.Jaeger: Are you up there in heaven watching over your son? Cuz he's gonna need you. And, how did you ever love Mr.Jaeger?"

Karla nodded. "I am watching and Grisha has turned into a really horrible man. He wasn't always like this."


"For Levi: Would you rather die never being able to have Eren again, if he left you, or would you rather die by being eaten by and infected, then turning Eren if his immunity transferred into the twins, causing both of you to become heartless creatures then, the twins grow up with no parents?"

Levi raised an eyebrow before sighing. "I'd rather die never able to have Eren again. At least I know Eren's alive and can at least be there for the twins. I wouldn't want Eren dead or to leave the twins without parents."


Thank you for the questions~ I get so excited when you guys comment your questions and just comment in general :*


I'll be posting my new ereri story very soon!


A/N: WOOP! Update! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please don't forget to vote and comment! Thank you!

So, what dramatic thing do you think will happen next. Any deaths?


I start school tomorrow.. ;-; nooooooooooo where did summer go? :(

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