TBOTE 43 ☠

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Hanji ran through the woods with some other guards as they searched for Levi.

"He probably didn't get too far." Hanji whispered.


Eren tried his best to distract the man on the walkie talkie.

"Shit, I think the guy is waking up."

"What?! Don't you dare touch him!" Eren yelled into the walkie talkie.

Suddenly Eren felt a sharp pain. "Ow!" He cried out a grabbed his stomach in pain.

"What's wrong with you.?" The man asked.

"I think I'm giving birth." Eren mumbled as he held his stomach. He left the room and kept a hand on the wall.

"Hello? Anyone?" Eren yelled down the hall. He walked into the cafeteria and to Armin and Mikasa. "We have a problem."

"What is it?" Armin asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Babies." Eren winced as another sharp pain spread throughout his body.

Armin quickly stood up. "We need to get you to the nursery area!"

"Hurry..hurts.." Eren whimpered and clutched his stomach.

People around watched closely, some confused, some just realizing Eren was pregnant.

"Eren?!" Hanji spoke loudly through the walkie talkie.

Eren panicked. The guy he was talking to was gone. "Hanji?! How's Levi?!" He managed to yell as he cried out in pain.

"Eren are you alright?!"

"I'm actually having the twins right now, just tell me where Levi is!" Eren yelled.

"Levi is here. His gun was stolen and some food, but the men are out of sight." Hanji said, sounding relieved.

"Hanji..how many guards did you take?"

"Almost all of them.." Hanji realized what Eren was leading at and screamed out orders. "Eren get everyone safe! They're headed towards the hospital!"

Eren's eyes widened as he put the walkie talkie down. "Where's my dad?!"

"In his lab. He hasn't been out since this morning."

"Get him! Tell him to get more guards at the front gate and get me to the nursery!"

Mikasa ran to get Grisha while Armin helped Eren.

He guided him to the nursery and held onto him. "Everything will be alright Eren."

"I know everything will be alright. I'm just so pissed off. That asshole had to run away right when I'm close to giving birth."

"Well is he alright? I'm sure Hanji is bringing him back."

"Yes he's coming back, but he clearly doesn't want to be here. He left. He's being forced to come back." Eren said quickly before whimpering. "Where is the doctor?"

Armin shrugged. "I have no idea Eren. I'll go find her." He quickly ran out of the hospital room to look for the nurse.

Eren sat alone on the hospital bed, on the verge of having his twins.


Armin couldn't find the doctor anywhere.

Mikasa couldn't find Grisha anywhere.

Mikasa and Armin met up in the hall. "They're gone."

"Where could they just run off to?!" Armin said, getting nervous.

"They left." Mikasa mumbled. "I think they left, some other doctors are missing."

"You think they'd just abandon all of us?! There are hundreds of living people here.." Armin frowned.

"It's way over populated, and you know that. Mr. Jaeger probably thought it was smart to just take all of the doctors and flee." Mikasa sighed and pulled Armin to walk back to Eren.

They both walked in the room to see Eren with tears streaming down his face in pain. "Where is the doctor?" He choked out in between winces.

"She's gone. Along with your dad." Armin said, frowning as Eren's expression changed to complete fear.

Eren's breathing picked up as he panicked. "I'm going to die then! We have all of this technology and no one that knows how to use it!"

"Well there's Hanji! She's on her way with Levi." Armin tried to lighten up the horrible situation.

"I don't think I can wait..it hurts too much. I don't even know if the umbilical cord is around one of their necks." Eren frowned. "We may need an emergency c-section." He gave Armin and Mikasa a serious look.

"If worse comes to worse you need to just take a knife an try to slice them out. I just need to know they'll be alive." Eren looked down.

"Eren..what are you saying?" Mikasa says worriedly.

"I thought you'd understand Mikasa. You try to do things for everyone but yourself. This is what I'm doing now. I'm risking my life so the twins can grow up and live as happily as they can in this twisted world."

Mikasa and Armin exchanged a sad glance before grabbing the walkie talkie. "Hanji we need you here right now! Eren is giving birth!"

Hanji responded seconds later with a panicked voice. "We're hurrying! We're pretty far out!"

"Please hurry!" Eren yelled in the background, whimpering.


Levi had just woken up from being knocked out unconscious. He looked around confused, not realizing he was being dragged by guards.

"What the fuck?" He murmured as he saw Hanji running.

Hanji turned at the sound of his voice and slapped him across the face.

"I am so pissed off. You left! Eren is giving birth right now!" Hanji yelled at Levi.

Levi's eyes widened. "He is? Hurry then!"

"I'm trying. You're the one that should've been there. None of us would be in the woods of you didn't run away. We came after you."

"I was fine alone."

"No you weren't. Eren was talking to some man on the walkie talkie. They said some pretty bad stuff about what they were going to do to you--."

Hanji's voice cut off when gun shots could be heard from the direction of the hospital.


@LeslieIsABunny asked: "Levi, Even though Eren is immune, if he were to turn, would you be able to pull the trigger?"

Levi hesitated for a moment before speaking. "If Eren turned he wouldn't be Eren. He'd just be a walking corpse with no mind. Still, seeing his face and knowing I'd have to pull the trigger and end it would make me hesitate for a second. I feel I'd still do it though, so I know he's truly gone and isn't a corpse killing others."

A/N: I AM A FAILURE OF A HUMAN BEING. XD I'm sorry, my daily update schedule went down the drain for like six days. T.T I start school on September 2nd so I honestly want to go cry cx

I'll try to update sooner everyday once school starts but I can't make any promises. School drains all of the motivation and creativity I have.

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Kayla = Savage

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