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I miss all of the goofy, cute comments you guys used to leave. I'm really close to hitting a writers block and I'm honestly not feeling very motivated ;-;


Eren cried and leaned against the wall as Armin and Jesse ran up.

"What's wrong Eren?!" Armin panted from the sprint up the stairs.

Eren pointed to the baby crib in the corner as he wiped his eyes.

Armin and Jesse hesitantly moved closer. They were shocked to see an infant as an infected. It looked like it had been left behind while the rest of the family escaped.

Armin frowned. "The poor baby.."

Eren sniffled and walked closer. "I can't help but think about Jaxon, Ryder and Kari."

"They're immune though..they're safe." Jesse mumbled.

"They're not. Some infected ignore the immune while the others still take a bit out in curiosity. "What if they start liking the immune people and try to kill them?"

"That wouldn't happen Eren, calm down." Jesse reached over to pat Eren's shoulder but the teen flinched.

Armin frowned and sat close to Eren. "You just have to believe everything will be fine okay? Your kids will grow happy and healthy."

Eren shook his head and sighed. "I don't want to live in this house anymore, I won't forget about that poor baby. Let's go back to the hospital."

Armin nodded and sighed. "Alright."

Jesse groaned softly. "This place was perfect."

"Well now it's not. It's horrible." Eren mumbled and walked out of the room.

Armin frowned and walked closer. He pulled out a knife and gently stabbed the infant in the temple. He felt bad that the baby was probably left behind and wanted it to have peace.

Jesse watched and wrapped an arm around Armin. "That was the right thing to do love."

"Are you sure?" Armin whispered. "This room would be good for Eren's kids..if we bury the baby we could come back here."

"I'll talk to Eren about it." Jesse kissed Armin's cheek and smiled faintly.

"Okay." Armin and Jesse walked downstairs to see Eren waiting by the door.

"Ready?" Eren took his gun out and walked out of the house.

The three went back to the hospital.

Levi stood at the gates. "You could at least tell me where you're going."

Eren walked past Levi, not responding.

Levi grabbed Eren's wrist and pulled him. "I'm sick of this. Talk to me or we're done."

Eren shook his head. "Seriously? I was looking at a new place to live with Armin and Jesse." He pulled away from Levi and walked away. He went to see his children and stared at his naked ring finger.

Levi took back the engagement ring.

He took it.

It didn't seem like a big deal, but to Eren it was.

It meant so much to him, they were going to get married.

Eren turned back around and went to face Levi. He took the man's hands. "I can't do this anymore. Help me." He whispered. He let go of his hands and pressed their lips together.

Levi's hands gripped Eren's waist as he pressed their bodies together.

The two moved their lips together slowly.

Before they could do more Jesse and Armin came down the hallway with the children.

Eren pulled away slowly and rested his forehead against Levi's. "I love you. I'm serious about our relationship. I really really want to marry you."

Levi raised an eyebrow and bit his lip. "Eren, I'll only agree to marry you after you get proper help."

Eren's lip quivered as his eyes watered.

Armin and Jesse stood watching. Kari and Ryder watched while Jaxon stayed fast asleep in Armin's arms.

Levi sighed. "Hanji has been waiting for you. Just go by her room and talk. She won't tell me a thing. She's good with that stuff."

Eren nodded and gave Levi one last long, passionate kiss. "I'll get better for you."


Eren walked to Hanji's room and knocked on the door. He entered a moment later. "Hey, can we talk?"

Hanji turned from reading at her desk and smiled. She moved from her seat and sat on the desk, crossing her arms. "I've been waiting for you future Ackerman."

Eren sighed and sat on the edge of Hanji's bed that was across from the desk. "Levi says I'm depressed. Well postpartum depression to be exact.."

"I know Eren, go on. Say what you feel, what's on your mind.." Hanji tapped her fingers on her thigh.

"I just have so much anger towards Levi..towards myself, my body.." Eren took a deep breath and looked away. "I feel so moody and have no interesting in doing anything. I haven't been intimate with Levi in so long. I've just lost my interest."

Hanji nodded and sighed. "Those are signs Eren."

Eren bit his lip. "So..what do I do?"

"I don't have the proper meds Eren. We'll just have to stick with therapy okay?" Hanji stood up and walked closer to Eren. "You want to enjoy this time with your new baby and family."

Eren nodded and stood up. "Yeah, thanks for helping me out."

Hanji nodded. "Anything for you Eren. You know that. Now go, get back to Levi and the kids."

Eren turned and left the room. He went back to Levi and the children. "I'm trying really hard Levi. I swear, I'm going to change."

Levi nodded and took Eren's hands. "I believe you."

Eren frowned. "Do you even want to marry me anymore?"

"I do Eren. I just want to make sure you're happy and want the same thing."


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