TBOTE 71 ☠

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Eren left the house, kissing his babies good bye for the night.

He walked over to Aki's house and knocked on the door.

The mayor answered and smiled. "Hello Eren, here to see Aki?"

"Ah yeah, he invited me over to stay the night. Is that alright?"

The mayor nodded and opened the door wider for the boy to step in. "Of course it is."

Eren walked in and nodded. He looked around the house curiously, it looked the same as the house he stayed in.

"Aki? Eren is here." The mayor called out and waited for the older teen to walk down the stairs.

Aki smiled and motioned for Eren to follow.

Eren took a deep breath and slowly made his way up. He was really trapped in Aki's house for the night.

The second he stepped into Aki's room the older teen kissed him. He rested a hand on Eren's stomach. "Hey." He smiled.

Eren faked a wide smile and looked away. "Hey."

Aki pulled Eren towards the bed. "It's just my dad in the house and he's a deep sleeper, so if you'd like to do anything tonight we can." He grinned and sat on his bed.

Eren shook his head. "Uh, maybe not today. I haven't been feeling well, you know, pregnancy and all." He mumbled, lying. He was having trouble even convincing himself.

Aki raised an eyebrow but shrugged. "Alright. We can just cuddle in bed then." He peeled the covers up and motioned for Eren to get under.

Eren curled up under the covers. The bed smelled so much like Aki, it wasn't a gross smell..he just preferred Levi's scent.

Levi had started talking to Eren more so the boy took that as a good sign. It might have meant he was forgiven.

Aki lied next to Eren and held him close.

Eren squirmed uncomfortably and bit his lip. "Hey Aki?"


"Can I talk to you about something? It's really upsetting me."


Eren made a small plan to talk about Armin going missing. He knew Aki had something to do with it, but he wanted to ease into it. He sighed quietly and frowned.

"Well Armin's been gone for a while. We think he ran away." Eren frowned and tried to look very upset at the thought of his friend running away. Of course it was a major lie, he needed Aki to confess.

Aki made a strange face for a moment before looking down at Eren. "Oh, I'm sorry. I've been wondering where he went."

Eren frowned more and turned slightly, reaching a hand into his pocket. He has a small knife in his pocket he was ready to use on Aki.

Just as the younger teen made the sudden movement Aki grabbed Eren's wrist and pinned it to the bed. "I knew it." Aki laughed crazily. "You're just like the others. Fake. That blonde was fake and now you are too." He rambled, an insane look on his face.

Fear crossed Eren's face as he screamed for help. Nobody came. He squirmed and cried as he was blindfolded and dragged down what felt like stairs.

Eren heard one thing before before blacking out, Armin's scream.


Eren woke up hours later with ringing ears and a massive headache. He sat up slowly and looked around he dim room.

He squinted when he saw a small blonde in the corner. He has tiny, skinny like he hadn't eaten much-- then it hit him.

"Armin?" Eren whispered as he went to move closer but was stopped by rope bounding his wrists and ankles to the wall.

Armin opened his eyes and slowly crawled over to Eren, his ropes reached long enough. "Eren."

"I'm so happy to see you're alive." Eren said quietly, trying to hug his friend but failing because of the ropes.

"We're here to die." Armin said. His voice sounded so normal it almost pained Eren to hear.

"I was with Aki in his room..and now I'm here. Where is this?" Eren asked, raising an eyebrow. He was slowly getting closer and closer to a panic attack.

Armin shrugged. "I don't know, but we won't be found." He whispered.

Eren frowned. "Don't say that Armin. We'll get out."

Armin shook his head. "I've tried everything. He knows everything. It won't work."

"Snap out of it!" Eren yelled at his best friend causing the blonde to flinch and whimper.

"One by one he'll bring us down here, until we're all down here. He's feeding me but it isn't good. It has something in it that makes me knock out instantly. Don't eat." Armin said in another whisper, constantly glancing at the door.



@Josei_loves_anime asked: "For Armin: Coconut are you okay!?!!???!!? I'm worried about you! Stay strong my little Brainiac. Eren and Mikasa will come for you.

Armin smiled faintly. "I guess I'm alright..I really hope I'm found soon."


A/N: BOOM. Goodbye feels cx please vote and comment if you enjoyed! Thank you~


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