TBOTE 24 ☠

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(1k reads! *rolls around* WHOA!)

A few days had gone by since Eren found out Levi had been cheating on him.

Things only got worse as the days went by. It hit him more and more until he couldn't take it.

He stayed hidden under his covers. He didn't eat, he didn't sleep, he didn't talk.

Everyone watched Eren sink deeper and deeper into a hole he couldn't escape.

He had stopped crying on the first day, the boy ran out of tears. He didn't have anymore to shed over Levi.

"Eren?" Jazlyn poked her head through the door and ran to him.

Eren sat up and looked at Jaz. His eyes were puffy and red rimmed. "Hey Jazzy. What's up?" His voice cracked as he helped Jaz sit on the bed.

"You're sad." She frowned and sat on his lap. "Did Mr. Levi do something wrong?"

Eren felt his heart squeeze a bit at the mention of Levi's name. "Yeah, he was bad. It upset me."

Jaz hugged Eren tightly. "It'll be alright."


Levi had no idea Erwin and Hanji sent a letter and picture to Eren. He had continued with his cheating, not listening to Hanji or Erwin when they told him to stop. He still believed Eren would be oblivious and happy to see him when he visited the boy at the hospital.

He went with Hanji and Erwin. They waited at the gates for Eren to come out.

Instead of Eren, Jean came out. "Eren said he's not coming out."

Levi raised an eyebrow. "Why not?" He thought Eren would be excited to see him and come out instantly.

"He said he doesn't want to talk to you." Jean shrugged. "Eren's been kinda down lately. We all noticed it already."

Levi raised an eyebrow and shook the bars of the gate. "Just let me in so I can see him."

"He doesn't want to see you." Jean said again.

"Go tell him I'm asking why." Levi mumbled.

Jean nodded and walked away. He came back a few minutes later holding a picture. He had looked at the picture when Eren gave it to him go give to Levi.

"Ah man that's messed up." Jean sighed. "Isn't he pregnant?"

Everyone at the hospital had figured out Eren was pregnant once his baby bump showed more.

Levi reached through the bars and snatched the picture from Jean's hands. He looked at it, his eyes widening seconds later. His skin went paler than it already was.

He glared at Erwin. "You're the only one I know with a fucking Polaroid. Why did you send this to Eren?"

Hanji crossed her arms. "You're cheating on him with numerous people! We had to tell him, you were never going to!"

"I could see why Eren wouldn't want to see you. He only thinks you cheated with one other person. He'd probably flip if he heard it was with numerous people." Jean mumbled and turned to walk away. "Try visiting again in a few days." He walked inside.

Levi clenched his hands into fists and walked away. He started walking back to camp. "I can't believe you two would send him a picture."

"I also wrote him a letter explaining it." Hanji added as she walked a few feet behind Levi.

Levi sighed. "I know I messed up, and I continue to mess up every night. This is the only way I can deal with not being able to be with Eren everyday."

"You shouldn't cheat. I wouldn't be surprised if he'd want to end things with you." Hanji said as she looked at the ripped up picture of Levi with somebody else. "Eren took his anger out on the picture. You know he's pissed."


"He left." Jean poked his head into the room and Eren nodded.

"Alright. Thanks." Eren had the covers wrapped around himself tightly.

He had planned on going to the doctor in the nursery area. He was close to three months, he could probably have an ultrasound done.

He decided on not doing it.

Eren wanted Levi with him whenever they decided on doing the ultrasound, but he knew he could probably never forgive him.

He loved him so much though. How could Eren just kick someone he loved so much out of his life?

Eren knew he couldn't forgive Levi easily, but was he ready to say goodbye to him?

Grisha interrupted Eren's thoughts when he walked in. "I heard what happened."

Eren stayed quiet for a moment and nodded. "Never did I ever think Levi would cheat on his pregnant boyfriend."

Grisha nodded. "I knew he was no good. What a horrible man."

Eren sighed. "What do I do? And don't say terminate the pregnancy. I still want this baby with or without Levi here."

"Won't Levi want to see his son or daughter?" Grisha asked.

"Probably not, but I'll let him if he wants to. He's the father, I'll let him see his kid." Eren frowned at the thought of not being with Levi and them only seeing each other when he went to see their kid.

He wanted his little baby to be with both of his parents, not just one. He wanted them to be one happy little family. Things just don't turn out the way they're planned sometimes.

A part of Eren wished he didn't find out, he could've been oblivious to it. 

Grisha took Eren's silence as a message to leave. He walked out and left Eren alone in the room.

Eren leaned back and pulled his shirt up a bit. "Guess it's just you and me baby." He smiled lightly and rested his hand on his stomach. He felt a small movement and giggled quietly. "Hey stop that. Good thing you're not kicking yet." Tears started falling from his eyes before he realized it. He reached a hand up and wiped his eyes. "Why did this have to happen?" Eren spoke to himself. "Why am I alone with this baby?"

Eren stopped his babbling and crying. "I'm going to take good care of you. I'm going to love you so much, well I already love you, but I'll love you ten times more." He smiled as the last tear that fell from his eyes rolled down his cheek and onto his stomach. "Alright baby?" He felt a fluttering feeling in his stomach, it was the baby moving. The doctor had told him it was rare for a baby to move so early. "I can't wait to see you."

Mikasa and Armin had stood next to the door and listened to Eren. Armin was practically in tears at how broken and upset Eren sounded.

"Eren?" Mikasa nudged Armin. "Get it together." She whispered to Armin as they both walked in.

Eren looked up at Armin and Mikasa. "Hey, what's up?"

Armin sat on the bed beside Eren. "Come and eat with us. You need to eat Eren."

Eren shook his head. "I'm not hungry."

"You may not be hungry but you have a baby Eren. The baby needs the nutrients from when you eat." Mikasa said softly.

"You're eating for two Eren. Keep that in mind." Armin smiled lightly and looked at his stomach.

Eren stood up and pulled his shirt down over his stomach. "Alright, alright. I'll go eat."

"Finally." Armin smiled and took Eren's hand, leading him out of the room the three shared.


A/N: This story has 1k reads. 1K! *cries* I'm so happy it got this far already! I'm sooooo happy! :3 I'm sorry these chapters are kinda sad ;-; anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please vote and comment! Thank you!


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